Chapter 15 : The Accepted Feelings

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After both Kuroo and Kageyama left, Kenma and Hinata were both alone in the infirmary.

Everything went by so quick, Hinata was still shocked by what had just happened.

After a while he remembered that Kenma came here because of his injury and quickly check up on him.

"Shoyo... It's fine... I'm not hurt, I only faked it so that I could go on with my plan..."he hold Hinata's hand while his other was caressing Hinata's cheek.

Kenma looked at Hinata, instead of the Sunshine he always was, today he had sadness, hurt and guilty all written on his face.

Hinata felt relieved after hearing Kenma said that and tears started flowing out from his eyes, out from sadness and relief that Kenma wasn't hurt because of him.

"Kenma... You do like me right?"

"Yes..and I always will..." Kenma said with a soft and caring tone.

"I-I too like you.... But I'm scared that our relationship would change.. I want us to be like before but at the same time I want us to be more than friends..."

Kenma just sat beside Hinata, and listened to what Hinata has to say. Since Hinata was not the type to speak out what's worrying him, he's actually happy that Hinata would even actually talk to him about his problems.

"I-I'm not making any sense right? I'm so selfish...*Hic* I want us to be together but I want us to be best friends as well..." Hinata cried as he said everything that was on his mind.

"Kenma...Why would you like someone *hic* like me? Since we started going out, I feel like Kenma was the only who gave me happiness while all I did was pushing you away and making you wait...... Say Kenma...would it be better if we just stay as best friend-"

Before Hinata could finish his sentence, Kenma raised Hinata's head who was looking down and moved forward.

Hinata was startled, he felt Kenma's warm lips touching him. Normally he would have been embarrassed and maybe pushed Kenma away a bit but because of his sadness and longingness for Kenma, he went along with it.

"Shoyo... I won't mind even if you're selfish... I love you because of who you doesn't matter if you're giving me happiness or not. My happiness comes from you... When you're happy... I'm happy, when you're sad, I'm sad too...for example right now... Your smile shines like the Sunlight you are and I really... really love it when you smile."

As Kenma was saying about how he felt for him, the wall in his Hinata's slowly crumbles down as light break through the cracks.

" know we could still be best friends eventhough we're still lovers right?" Kenma chuckled.

"H-huh? How?" Hinata looked at Kenma with watery puppy eyes cause he had just finish crying.

"Easy... We just have to treat each other like we used to be... We were always close even before we started going out right?"

Hinata thought for a while then nodded his head.

"You're just being conscious about us being lovers too much... Or is it that you want to be with me that much? Or maybe you have...dirty thoughts? That's why you're embarrassed?"
Kenma teased Hinata.

"W-what! /// I've n-never thought of anything like that..." Hinata's voice kept getting softer as he was guilty about something.

"M-Maybe I did.... When I was thinking about our relationship..." Hinata thought, but of course he ain't gonna tell Kenma that if he's just gonna tease him for that.

"Well there's only something different about us being both best friends and lovers..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"*chuckles* We get to do things normal best friends can't...for example this..."

Kenma hold Hinata's hand and pulled towards him to go for another kiss. By this time, the wall in Hinata's heart was completely gone. Hinata stayed still and kissed Kenma as well.

Seeing this opportunity, Kenma inserts hs tongue into Hinata's mouth. Hinata was shocked for a sec but he felt good from the kiss and followed Kenma to entwine his tongue with Kenma's as well.

Eventually their kiss broke off since Hinata was nearly out of breath.
Hinata was breathing heavily and his face was completely flushed which gives off an erotic vibe.

"... If only I could do more than this..." Kenma mumbles.

"But let me just wait till Hinata is more comfortable with me first before...." Kenma smiles while he was thinking about what he would do to Hinata in future times.

"Kenma... What are you thinking?" Hinata who has recovered from the kiss earlier saw Kenma smiling weirdly and decides to ask him.

"Hmm? A secret~" Kenma saw Hinata pouting after hearing his answer and thought that he was lucky to have such a cute boyfriend.

"How about we go back to the others? They must be worried if you're gone for that long..." Kenma pats Hinata's head to comfort the pouting puppy.

"Mhm... Okay...."Hinata was still pouting but he likes how Kenma pats his head so he decides to forget about it first.

"Wait... But what about Kageyama and Kuroo-san?" the thought of practice made Hinata remembered the reason why they were here in the first place.

"What about them." Kenma was not pleased to hear their names after what they did to Hinata.

"Umm... I mean what they did was really wrong's just that because they are blinded for love? Like if I wasn't this weak this wouldn't have happened as well-"

"Don't you blame yourself for this Shoyo! You did nothing wrong!" Kenma doesn't like the thought of Hinata blaming himself and cut off what he was saying.

"*chuckles*Okay okay... Don't need to get all worked up right?" Hinata couldn't help but smiled when Kenma is this worked up.

"I just simply thought that even what they did was wrong, the root feeling of what they had was not wrong."

Kenma looked at Hinata, he felt like had he saw an angel, he had never seen someone who would be so kind to others even if they're hurt by them before.

"Kenma... Before coming back here, Kageyama was the one who comforted me when I was down and I'm really grateful for that..."

"But that was just because he likes you!"

" might be...but I couldn't leave him like this right? It did feel weird when Kageyama was being nice to me but I've used to it now and I would like him to stay this best friends. Selfish right?" Hinata chuckles.

"As for Kuroo-san...I hope that you guys would still be friends... when he first approach me, he asked if I could give you to him...that time, I could really felt his love for you...maybe that's why I was hesitating..."


"But of course right now I had no intention in giving Kenma to anyone cause you're mine and mine only! I'll just have to prove that I could love you as much as he can!" Hinata hugged Kenma as he said that.

Kenma blushed from Hinata's sudden challenge of love for him. He flicked his forehead and looked away to hide his shyness.

"So...when we get back, both of us will go together to find them and have a talk with them. Sounds okay?"

"Okay..." Seeing Hinata has already forgiven them, Kenma decides to not say anything about it anymore.

After that, both of them went back to gym where the others are about to have their last break for the day.

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