Chapter 14: The Truth

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A week passed by as fast as it goes, the Karasuno team were back at the joint practice again.

Hinata had thought a lot about his relationship with Kenma but he just can't seem to climb over the wall to it. On the other hand, Kenma had thought of a way for Hinata to come to him personally and to confront both Kageyama and Kuroo at the same time.

When they just arrived, Hinata was worried about how to avoid Kenma if he ran up to him. But it did not happened, instead Kenma stayed inside the gym to warm up. This made Hinata felt relieved but disappointed and hurt at the same time.

This bothered Hinata for quite a while and Kageyama notices it and goes over to him.

"What are you thinking about boke?" patting Hinata's head.

"Hmm? Nothing much...Let's start doing warms up first!" eventually he swept the thought away and Kenma who was secretly watching Hinata saw that Kageyama had become closer to his Sunshine and he couldn't help but felt jealous.

While Kenma might be jealous, he's not the type to just storm to Kageyama and beat him up, instead he remain calm and kept thinking about his plan of confrontation later.

After a few practice matches with different schools, all schools have a break time. Kenma, walked out and went to find Sugawara while the others are enjoying their break time with watermelons.

"What is it about that you need to find me for? Furthermore behind the school's gym?" Sugawara couldn't help but to be curious about what Kenma is trying to do.

"Sugawara-san, according to what you told me last week, I believed that Kuroo and Kageyama had planned something that involves breaking both Shoyo and me up." Kenma straight up told him about what he's thinking.

"W-what? Hinata did look less lively when we went back to Miyagi...but why would you say that?"

"Sugawara-san, I believed that Shoyo asked you for advice about his feelings for me right?" Kenma knew about this because he had looked over Kuroo's text with Kageyama went Kuroo left his phone unattended.

"Yes he did..."

"Shoyo did confess to me but I think there's still something that is keeping him from being sure about his feelings. So... I want you to help me with something."

"What is it?"

"I want to confront them." Kenma said with a serious tone.

"And... I'm sure you've thought of a plan right?"

"Yes. I will act as I've gotten injured while playing volleyball. Kuroo of course would be there so don't worry about him, I just want you to let Shoyo know that I've gotten injured. Shoyo may be avoiding me right now but I know deep down he still cares. As for Kageyama, he would come along if Shoyo does too...and there's where I will confront them. Sugawara-san could help me as well if you have any plans... "

"Hmm... Okay, I'll help you with it but I'll let the confrontation to you."

After that, break time was over and practice starts again. It was all okay until the practice match of Nekoma and Karasuno.

As they have planned, Kenma would accidentally get hit by a volleyball, and since Sugawara was the only one who knows about it, he was the one that need to spike the ball towards Kenma. But as a setter and non-regular, the only chance they could do it is where Sugawara gets to hit the ball when he got switched with Hinata to try their new skills.

Kenma deliberately gets himself hit by the ball and acted as he's gotten injured when he actually isn't and Kuroo who cared about him followed him to the infirmary. Hinata who was switched out saw it happened and was shocked and started to panic.

Seeing Kuroo helping Kenma to the infirmary and with Sugawara's approval look, Hinata ran after them, Kageyama too ran after Hinata. Everyone was shocked about what happened and Sugawara explained what happened to Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei so they wouldn't chase them back.

"Kenma! Are you okay?!" Hinata ran to the infirmary, out of breath when he arrived.

Kenma felt happy went he saw Hinata ran over here just for him but instead of being happy, he had decided that it was time to confront Kuroo and Kageyama who were at the infirmary as well.

"Shoyo... There's something I would like you to know... So could you sit beside me? And promise me to not run away until I have finished what I have to say..."

"Hmm? O-okay..." still worrying for Kenma, Hinata thought that Kenma might have gotten injured because of him, he decides to listen to Kenma and sat beside him on the bed.

"Okay... Kuroo... Kageyama, I have something to asked you guys. You guys have planned something right? " Kenma said with a serious voice.

"Wait Kenma, aren't you-"

"Shut up and just answer my question. " Before Kuroo get to say  anything, Kenma glared at Kuroo.

"N-no we didn't.... We're not even close!" Kuroo was the one to speak while Kageyama just stand there in silence.

"Then does this seemed familiar to you?" Kenma showed both Kuroo and Kageyama the pictures of their text about their plan.

"H-how did you?" Kuroo was in shocked while Kageyama was still not speaking.

Hinata who was beside Kenma saw the pictures as well and was startled to the point where he wanted to run away. He was shaking but Kenma held his hand to calm him down.

Feeling Kenma's warmth on his hand, he decides to fulfill what he had promised to Kenma earlier first and kept listening.

"I have my own ways... But that's not important. I just wanted to let you guys know that what you guys did was stupid. I won't say anything about you Kageyama since I'm not close to you but Kuroo... Why? Have I not made my words clear to you? Why would you go for Shoyo! He did nothing wrong! I was the one who fell for him, blame me, Shoyo is innocent!" Kenma couldn't help but felt betrayed as he yelled at Kuroo, with tears bubbling up in his eyes.

"H-how could I blame you Kenma... You know I can't do that right? You're the one I love..." Kuroo did not expect for their plan to go downhill or he could say he was just too blinded with anger to even think that this plan would even worked.

"Maybe...maybe I'm just jealous of the Chibi-chan..." Kuroo had said out what he actually felt instead of letting his own anger blinded him again, he just doesn't want to lose his precious childhood friend.

Kageyama who was silenced since the beginning just walked out of the room without saying anything.

"I-I think I'll be going now... I'm sorry Chibi-chan...and please take care of Kenma for me..." he pats Hinata's head a bit before leaving, bursting into tears right after closing the doors.  He felt brokenhearted and angry but towards himself for letting the one he loved cry.

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