Chapter 7 : Warmness

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Kageyama you there?

What is it?

Oh! So you're there, couldn't you reply any faster?

I can reply whenever I want to so tell me what is that you want to find me for boke.

Umm... So you know we have planned to practice tomorrow right?

Ya, and what about it?

I was just about to tell you that I wanted to cancel tomorrow's practice...

What?! Why?

Cause I'm spending the night at Kenma's so I probably won't come back in time...

That pudding head? Why are you spending so much time with him? You should spend more time with me instead!
Uhh... I mean as partners!

But Kenma is my best friend! I need to spend time with him as well!

Seeing Hinata's struggle while texting somebody, Kenma decide to scoot over to see who Hinata is texting with.

"Kageyama? What is he texting him about that Hinata have a frown on his face?"Kenma thought.

"Shoyo... What are you texting Kageyama for?" he asked curiously.

"Ah? Oh I was just texting him to cancel my practice with him tomorrow since I'm spending the night here but that Kageyama just have to say things like I should spend more time with him as his partners and not our rivals and blah blah blah..." Hinata just told Kenma almost every details of his convo with Kageyama.

"Hmm.... Let me have your phone for a while..." said Kenma as he had thought of a way to let that 'bothersome' Kageyama stop talking to Hinata.

"Oh... Okay!" Hinata trust Kenma won't say anything rash to him so he just handed his phone to Kenma.

What you mean best friend? I'm your partner so I'm closer to you!

Hey this is Kenma, I'm trying to spend my time with Shoyo here so could you just stop texting him and just cancel the practice.

What?! What are you doing with Hinata's phone? Where is he?!

He's just beside me and mind your own business from ours. Goodbye.

Before handing Hinata's phone back, Kenma turn off the notification for Kageyama's text on Hinata's phone.

"So...what did Kageyama say?" Hinata just sat beside Kenma and waited for him without taking a peek so he doesn't know what happened.

"He said okay and tell us to have fun..."

"Uhh... Okay?" Hinata was unsure of Kenma's answer as Kageyama wasn't really the type of person to say that especially when he clearly looked mad on text but he believed Kenma anyways.

After that, they had dinner which Hinata cooked since Kenma's parents aren't home and Kuroo was the one who always bring Kenma food but somehow today he didn't.

"Mhm...Shoyo...your food taste really good...." Kenma who usually doesn't eat much ate more than usual.

"Really? Well I always have to cook for my little sister Natsu so... Maybe that's why?" Hinata smiled as he saw Kenma enjoyed eating his food and starts to eat his as well.

They cleaned up the after themselves after eating before playing games till midnight.

"Shoyo... Can I asked you something?"

"Hmm? What is it Kenma?"

"Uhm... Do you have any other plans tomorrow other than the practice you cancelled?"

"Nope! Why is it?"

"I was wondering that if you wanna go out with me....." Kenma said shyly.

"Oh? You mean like a date?" Hinata asked innocently.

"Ah? Y-ya... Something like could say no if you don't want to..."

"Well of course I wanna go with you! I would be happy to spend more time with you!" Hinata hugged Kenma as he answered him.

Kenma blushed when Hinata suddenly hugged him. Hinata realising Kenma is blushing and started to blush as well. Silence was there for while until Kenma spoke.

"Umm... How about we go to bed? My bed is quite big so us two could sleep together..."

"Y-ya! Let's go to bed so that we could have lots of fun tomorrow!"

Both Hinata and Kenma went to bed, but both of them didn't really sleep as they were thinking about what happened just now.

"Why does my heart always beats so fast when I'm near him?" they both thought.

Then, Kenma thought about the kiss he gave to Hinata while Hinata was thinking about him staring at Kenma' s beautiful face.

After a few hours, both of them finally fell asleep, not knowing that both of them had already cuddle up to each other unconsciously while they were asleep because of each other's warmness.

When I First Met You (KenHina) (KuroKage)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin