Chapter 8: Date

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The next morning, both Hinata and Kenma woke up, feeling drowsy as they didn't really fall asleep until late midnight.

Kenma took a bath while Hinata cooked breakfast for the both of them.
Kenma also lend Hinata his clothes for their 'date' as the sleepover wasn't planned.

"I'm so excited!" said Hinata as he ate his breakfast.

"But we didn't plan where to go yet..."

"No worries! We just go wherever both of us wants to go!" being so excited for the 'date', Hinata was not worried about it being unplanned at all.

"Okay... As long as you're happy Shoyo..." Kenma smiled lightly.

Just as they were about to head out, they both met Kuroo who coming out from his house.

"Good morning Kuroo-san!" Hinata said energeticly.

"Oh, good morning Chibi-chan~ Where are you guys going?" seeing them together, Kuroo felt unhappy but didn't say anything.

"Oh! Kenma and I are going out on a date!" Hinata say excitedly.

".... A-a date?" Kuroo was shocked and he looked at Kenma.

"... Well Hinata is not wrong..." Kenma feeling lazy to explain, goes along with Hinata, not knowing that it would be a misunderstanding for Kuroo.

Seeing Kenma not explaining about the date that Hinata said, Kuroo decided to observe their relationship first and not just rush to conclusions since he knows Kenma can be lazy sometimes.

"Chibi-chan, would you mind if I come along too?"

"Hmm? I'm okay with it! The more the merrier right, Kenma?"

"... I guess so..." Kenma didn't object but he actually just one to go out with just Hinata. Well he thinks that it's okay as long as Hinata feels happy about it.

Then, the three of them set off to the nearest shopping center. When they arrived, Hinata's eyes sparkled as Miyagi was quite to the countryside so there aren't really any big shopping centres there.

"Kenma! Kenma! Can I go to the sport's shop? I wanna buy some new knee pads!" The first thing Hinata thought was to go to the sport's shop as he heard that it is much more bigger than the ones in Miyagi.

"Okay okay... Calm down Shoyo..."Kenma holds Hinata's hand to calm him down as he can feel the people around them looking at their direction.

"How can I calm down? Tokyo is awesome! Everything here is just so big!" Hinata gets even more excited and his bright smile just lit up on his face as if he is the happiest person alive.

"Cute..." Kenma thought, he felt as his decision to bring Hinata here was a great choice.

After calming Hinata down a bit, Kenma takes Hinata to walk around first before heading to the sport's shop that he wanted to visit while holding his hand still. Hinata just holded Kenma's hand as well but he was just too distracted to notice it.

Kuroo on the other hand was feeling frustrated not only because he was left out but because of how close they are.

Hinata bought the knee pads that he wanted and was so happy that he kept taking it out to see it. Kenma was just beside him, looking at Hinata, feeling happy.

"Kenma, do you have anywhere you would want to go?" realising that he was just going to the places that he wanted to go, he asked Kenma.

"Umm... Not really... I'll just go anywhere Shoyo wants to go..." he already bought the new game that has just released so he doesn't really have anything to buy.

Feeling that someone was staring at him, Hinata turns around and sees Kuroo looking at him, seemingly to be quite unhappy.

"Kuroo-san? Is there anything wrong?" Hinata asked concernly.

"Huh? O-oh it's nothing! I was just thinking about something."

"Hmm... Am I being to excited? Or do you have somewhere that you would want to go?"

"Nono, I'm just a tag along so I'll go anywhere you guys wanna go." Kuroo was feeling frustrated at Hinata being nice to him but he knows Hinata is a good boy deep down. He feels contradiction from his own feelings.

"O-oh... Okay...How about we have ice cream? Everyone loves ice cream right?" still a bit worried about Kuroo, Hinata thought of a place where everyone would like.

Both Kenma and Kuroo nodded so they went to the ice cream shop next.
When they reach there, Hinata was yet again fascinated by the different flavours available and don't know which to choose. In the end Kenma helped Hinata choose one which he thinks taste best before Hinata decides to buy every flavor.

They found a place to sit down to enjoy their ice cream and to rest as well after walking for a few hours.

"This taste so good!" Hinata happily enjoyed his ice cream. Kenma was looking at Hinata and Kuroo as well but both with different feelings. One feels happy while the other was not.

After finishing the ice cream, Kenma saw that there was a bit ice cream on Hinata's lips so he told him about it. Hinata couldn't really see where it is and was struggling to wipe it off.

"It's here clumsy..." Kenma used his finger to wipe it for Hinata and licked it afterwards.

"W-what....."Hinata blushed immediately after seeing what Kenma did.

Kenma chuckled from he sight at Hinata getting all blushy and nervous.

While both Kenma and Hinata were both 'lovey-dovey' like couples, Kuroo was shocked to see this side of Kenma. At that point, he knew that both Kenma and Hinata like each other,  Kenma had already realizes his feelings while Hinata doesn't yet.

After that, Kuroo told the both of them that he suddenly remembered that he had things to do so he went back first. Both Hinata and Kenma said goodbye to him before heading to the arcade as their last destination of their 'date' before Hinata goes back to Miyagi.

"Thanks Kenma for spending time with me! It's your way of comforting me right? I feel so much better now!" Hinata thanked Kenma while on their way to the train station after playing for a while at the arcade.

"Mhm... No worries...and it's not just because I want to comfort you only...... I wanna spend more time with you Shoyo..." Kenma paused for a bit before saying his other reason for their 'date'.

"O-oh.... Well I like spending my time with you as well Kenma...and umm... I don't mind going out on a date with you again..." Hinata blushed a bit from Kenma's 'date' reason and told about how he feels as well.

As they talked more, both of their relationship gets closer to each other. They soon reached to the train station and bid goodbye to each other. They both feel sad about leaving but happy for their next meeting.

When I First Met You (KenHina) (KuroKage)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu