Chapter 3

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Hinata's POV

"AAHHH" I run at full speed while screaming as to run pass Kageyama during training.

After running for a while, I stopped on my tracks and realised that I was the only one left and that only means one thing....

"I'm lost?!?! Oh no....I don't really know how to get back from here...." as I was about to start panicking, I saw a boy with a pudding colour like hair sitting alone not far ahead.

Out of curiosity, I walked up to the boy. Right when I reached him, I saw him playing some kind of game on his PSP. Trying to not scare him by asking him questions immediately, I decide to introduce myself first.

"Hi! My name is Hinata Shoyo! What's your name?" I gave him a friendly smile.

The boy seems hesitant to answer but after a while, he answered in a quiet tone, "Kozume... Kozume Kenma....".

Feeling happy that he answered me, I walked beside him and crouch down,
"Hey Kenma, is that game fun?", I asked as I point at his game.

"Mhm...." that was the only answer I got, but I just feel happy that he replied me.

Then, I saw a pair of volleyball shoes in a bag beside him and my eyes immediately light up.

"Ohhh! Kenma do you like volleyball too?" I asked excitedly.


"I mean... Those shoes, they're yours right? Those are volleyball shoes, so that means Kenma plays volleyball too! You like volleyball as well right?"

"Uhh... I don't particularly like volleyball...I just play volleyball...just because...... I just don't like to get tired I don't really care about sports things since I'm not really athletic.."

"But you do play volleyball right? Which position are you? Ah and by the way I'm a middle blocker! You must think its weird right? Its usually a position for tall players..." I awkwardly scratched my head.

"I play as a setter... And I don't think its weird... You've playing as that position cause you have the ability to right? "

Hearing Kenma's answer, I feel more reassured about my own position even with my insecurities of my height.

"Setter huh? You looked really different from ours! Our setter always looks like he's angry 24/7 and -"

Just as I was about to talk more with Kenma, I heard someone calling for him.

I turned around to see a stranger that is way taller than I am and his face was somehow scary and looked a bit annoyed.

Kenma stood up and walked up to the stranger, seemingly to be his teammate. He turns around and said, "See you later, Shoyo..." with a light smile on his face that I could barely see.

After that, he walked away with the stranger who came to fetch him, as watched them go.

"See you later? What did Kenma meant by that?" I was thinking about what Kenma said and remembered his tiny smile which made me blushed a little.

"Hinata!" I heard someone calling for me and I quickly remain my composure before turning around to see Sugawara-senpai.

"Suga-san! Did you come here to pick me up?"

"Of course I did! I couldn't have gotten lost like you did right?" he laughed.

Then, he brought me back to school which I was later scolded by Daichi-san , for not listening to instructions and running off route.

After that, we continue practice for tomorrow's practice match with Nekoma and I have forgotten about the question that had earlier while practicing.

When I First Met You (KenHina) (KuroKage)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang