Chapter 12: The Wavered Feelings

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Not long after, it was time for their Mid-year examinations. Hinata had hoped to passed all subjects but unfortunately failed one of them. Kageyama, too failed one subject as well and have to take their make-up test.

Luckily for Hinata and Kageyama, they have their great senpai, Tanaka who have begged his sister to take his precious juniors to Tokyo for the joint practice after their make-up test was done.

"Kenma!!" as soon as they arrived, Hinata immediately ran up to Kenma who was just having their time-out half-way in their practice match.

"Oh Shoyo you're finally here!" Kenma was disappointed earlier when Hinata did not come with the Karasuno team.

Kenma snuggled up to Hinata eventhough he has sweat on his body but Hinata didn't mind about it. He just let Kenma did what he wanted.

Meanwhile, everyone was looking at the two people hugging each other. Some looked shocked while some was enjoying it.

Kuroo and Kageyama who was watching felt annoyed and wanted to go on with plan as soon as possible.

Hinata then realised that almost everyone was watching them and he quickly pulled away, face completely flushed.

"Umm... Kenma.... Everyone is watching so....let's talk later?"

Seeing Hinata being shy and cute, Hinata couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, Shoyo... Let's talk later...You've been anticipating for this joint practice match right? Go have some fun before today ends... " he pats Hinata's head before going back to their practice match.

Since both Hinata and Kageyama arrived late, they only played one practice match before they clean up for the day.

After that, each school have their own meetings to attend so both Hinata and Kenma can only meet each other during dinner time.

Dinner time....

"Shoyo!" This time it was Kenma's turn to walk up to Hinata hugging him, as to recover his energy from his dearest sunshine.

"Umm... Kenma... Everyone is still here.... ///" Hinata seems to be more nervous now since they're dating.

"I don't care.... I only want Shoyo..." Kenma said, still hugging Hinata.

"I was okay with it when we're still can't change that much right? I don't want to change how I act towards Kenma... "Hinata thought.

Kuroo and Kageyama on the other hand was looking at Hinata, trying to find the best time to go on with the plan.

Later that night, after taking their baths, Hinata was on his way to meet Kenma but was stopped by Kuroo who said that he needed to talk to him about something. Kageyama went ahead and told Kenma that Hinata had already fell asleep so he couldn't come. Kenma felt something was off but stayed as he might not want to disturb Hinata if it was real.


"'re now dating with Kenma right?

"A-ah? I-I guess you could say that..../// Was it obvious?" Hinata answered while blushing.

" is... Kenma has been more attached to you than ever. seemed to be very awkward about it?" Kuroo said while watching at Hinata's reaction.

"H-huh? W-what did you mean by that?" Hinata was startled a bit and thought of the thing that was bothering him before.

"I mean... You are close to Kenma but it seems that you were closer to him before you were dating?"

"B-but... I have signs that says that I like Kenma...I always think of him, my heart starts to race whenever I'm with him... " Despite Hinata's denial, his mind starts to rethink about his feelings for Kenma.

"Are you sure? Maybe you just misunderstood it for the signs? Well you do like volleyball very much so it wouldn't be weird to always think about Kenma since you think he's as good as your partner Kageyama...and maybe it's just that you are more closer to Kenma than other friends and the things you do are more closer that's why your heart races? "

"T-that..." Hinata is not as clever as Kenma so he can't really say that what Kuroo had said was wrong, plus he was already panicking at that time.

"Chibi-chan... If you're just misunderstanding your love for Kenma... Would you give him to me? I'm his childhood friend and I could take care of him and give him all the love he wants..."

"B-but I could too-"

"Just don't hurt his feelings just because you misunderstood your feelings."

Right after that, Hinata couldn't say anything. Why? That's because Kuroo said something that Hinata most feared before confessing.

He doesn't want to hurt Kenma just because of his own misunderstanding.

"That's all I have to say. Ah and by the way, Kenma is feeling more tired today so he told me to tell you that you don't need to come over tonight."
With that, Kuroo walked off, leaving Hinata alone outside.

"W-what do I do now....I-I don't wanna hurt Kenma..." Hinata was still standing there, on the verge of tears, not knowing what to do.

Then, Kageyama walked outside, just as Kuroo told him where Hinata would be.

"Hey boke! What are you...." he walked up to the Hinata who was on the verge of tears.

"K-Kageyama..."he held onto Kageyama's sleeves.

"Can you tell me... Am I wrong? What would I do if Kenma hates me? I-I...don't want that!" Hinata cried as he looked at Kageyama.

Kageyama seeing Hinata this way, felt as his heart was being stab, feeling guilty for what he did and brokenhearted because of how much Hinata actually loved Kenma. He held Hinata in his arms comforting him until Hinata fell asleep in his arms and he brought him back to the room where the Karasuno members would be staying and tucked him into bed.

"I'm sorry Hinata... But I just wanna be with you..." Kageyama looked at the orange-haired boy who is sleeping soundly from crying too much and got tired out.

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