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Day of the Confession

Ellie and Jungkook were hanging out, messing around at the park. They were enjoying their time together, laughing.

"Are you going to Prom tonight?" Jungkook says

"Nah.. Don't have a date." Ellie says, "You?"

"Nope.. I don't like prom." Jungkook says

"Yeah because you get a thousand messages from girls asking you to be their date, boohoo." Ellie jokes.

"What can I say, im hot." he shrugs as she laughs.

Her phone buzzes, she looks at their phone in a confused expression, types and puts it back in her pocket.

"What?" Jungkook says, noticing the strange occurrence.

"No it's just that... Taehyung asked me to meet him in two hours. Weird." Ellie says.

His facial expression completely changes, from a smile to a serious frown. She notices but no words come out of her mouth.

"Are you meeting him?" He says

"Uh... Yeah. I can't bail on him. Do you know what he wants to say?" Ellie asks

He shakes his head, "No.."

Ellie eyes him suspiciously but shrugs it off, "Anyway, you got practice in two hours so i'm not bailing on you." she pats his head

They continue to walk together while sharing headphones listening to their favorite song, Snowman.

They play it in every season and never stop singing it - a strange similarity they both have.

Jungkook suddenly grabs her hand, her eyes widening for a moment but going back to normal as she eases in.

"You never had a boyfriend, right?" Jungkook asks

"Yeah... Why?" She asks

"Because youre always so sensitive to touch." He adds on as she chuckles, "Yeah it's embarrassing."

"No, it's adorable." he says as her heart starts to pound harder than it should. Why was it?

Jungkook signals her to sit, as they lay down on the green grass looking out into the sea, kids passing from the park.

"It's so nice here. The sea is beautiful." She says, looking out in the sea.

Her eyes were on the beautiful waves of the sea but his eyes were on her.

"Yeah, beautiful." He says as she snaps her head to him

"The sea? I know right!" She says, laughing and looking back.

His eyes were still kept on her, he couldn't remove his eyes off her. Her beautiful green eyes and brown hair.

"Y'know, this is where me and Tae went when he asked me on that small date." She smiles as he suddenly gets serious

She suddenly shifts her gaze into his. "I love your brown eyes." She says, realizing that Jungkook was turning pink.

"Aww! You're turning pink!" She giggles.

"Shut the fuck up." Jungkook says in a serious tone.

She stops, "What? Did I do something wro-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he grabs her from the back of her neck and pulls her into a kiss. He strokes her hair back from her face. She pulls him in more as her hands flow through his brown locks.

He pulls away from the kiss as he looks deeply into her eyes.

Her, in a shocked and surprised state, says nothing and just looks back at him with a surprised expression.

"Ellie.. please.. I like you so much." Jungkook says, breathing heavily.

"W-What?" She says

"I fucking like you and there is no one on this earth who made me feel this way." Jungkook says.

"I-I never expected this..." She says

"Please don't date Taehyung, Ellie." He says

"B-But I'm not dating him.." She says.

"I know you like him and he likes you too..but you belong to me, Ellie. You've liked him for years just stop wasting your time on him." Jungkook says.

"He likes me?" She asks.

"Yes." Is all Jungkook says, defeated knowing he could never beat her lifelong crush.

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