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Ellie's POV

I wake up to the sunlight shining bright in my eyes. I rub my eyes a bit looking around, the bed was so comfortable so I just slumped back down, going back to sleep.


This isn't my house.


I bolt up quickly suddenly the sleepiness all gone from me. I look behind me to see Jungkook still holding my waist. He's still sleeping. 

Are you serious, Ellie?!

You slept at a boys house?!

I knew Jungkook wouldn't do anything, I knew him from when we were only 11, even though I never talked to him. I should've known better not to sleep with a boy I've only spoken to for 2 weeks... But I knew he wouldn't do anything.

I feel so stupid, but I was desperate because of that nightmare.

A groan came out of Jungkook, startling me a bit.

Oh great, he's waking up.

"E-Ellie?" He said, yawning.

"Yeah?" I said

"You're already awake?" He said, looking at the time.

"Yeah..." I say.

The shame I felt suddenly was gone as I was left with that god awful memory of a nightmare. I wish this was the type of dream I would instantly forget when I wake up - but it wasn't.

"How did you sleep?" He said and I just nodded, "I slept well." 

"Okay good, do you want something for breakfast?" He said

"Yeah sure." I said getting up as I followed him to the kitchen.

"I gotta go to my Tennis practice in.... Uh.." I grab my phone to check the time, not sure what time it was.

My eyes widened as it was in 10 minutes.

"TEN MINUTES?!" I yelled.

"Calm down, I'll drive ya." He said.

I sighed, "but I'm wearing pajamas, and surely I won't make it til home and change in 10 minutes." 

"I mean, I got clothes here, are you dumb?" He chuckled.

"But you're a boy..." I said

"Aren't you a boy too?" He joked earning a 'WOW' from me.

He went to his room looking over at this dresser as he pulls out a black hoodie and his sweatpants. He turns to me and hands them, "Quickly go change now and then you can give them back to me later. You're gonna be late stupid."

"Who're you calling stupid? Aren't you the stupi-"



After 3 minutes I come out with jungkook's clothes. Surprisingly the sweatpants were a good match even though they were still a bit big. And the hoodie was oversized but nice.

"CATCH!" Jungkook says, throwing a waffle straight at my face but I manage to catch it on time, "WHAT'S THAT FOR?" I yell.

"YOUR BREAKFAST BEFORE YOUR ASSESSMENT LETS GO NOW," He said grabbing me from the long sleeve of his hoodie.


"Thiw isw gwowd did yuw majwke thwis?" I say, mouth full of waffles.

"You look like a squirrel," he laughs, "and yes I did make it."

"Wwow, iwts," I pause a bit to swallow, "It's very good."

He just giggled and I smiled to myself, not gonna lie I really liked his smile.

"Oh.. And.." He said, becoming a bit serious.

"Are you okay?" He says, looking at me really seriously.

It was the first time I've ever seen him that serious.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks.. I'll tell you when the time comes, I promise." I say pulling out my pinky.

He just smiles, "Okay, good."

Jungkook has been acting differently ever since last night, like a bit more mature but still joking around? I don't know how to explain it because he's such a confusing boy...


"Okay, we're here, go!!!! And you better get first." Jungkook said and I giggled.

"Thanks jungkook." I say, I never realised how kind he actually is. This made my opinion on Jungkook change drastically, I always viewed him as this really immature boy who probably plays with girls but, he's actually just a really popular sweet boy. Or that is what I hope so.

I close the car door and wave to him, he smiles and waves back as he watches me go inside the building and speeding off.

Jungkook's POV

What the fuck just happened

I never saw her show so much emotion? THATS A WIN FOR ME BOYS.

She usually always makes fun of me, but ever since that night she's been acting different. I think she's grateful for me letting her stay at my house? I don't know.

But whatever it is, I felt like we just became better friends than before, and that really makes me happy.

I think this girl will become one of my bestest friends, I can feel it.

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