Chapter 16

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"Don't worry guys, I'll be back next year." Mabel said as they all had a group hug, "And we'll have twice as much fun as this summer!"

After all their goodbyes, it was time to go.

"Wait, where's Dipper?" Mabel asked.

Everyone looked around and noticed that he wasn't with them at the bus stop.

Mabel started to get nervous, "I can't go without saying bye to Dipper! He'll be here in just a sec, I can feel it!"

"Come on kid, I don't have all day." the bus driver said, "If you want to go home on time, we have to leave now."

"No! But what about Dipper." Mabel pleaded.

"Mabel, sweetie," Stan said, "I'm sure Dipper has his reasons for not wanting to come, but you need to start going."

"But- but-" Mabel had to accept defeat, her brother wasn't coming and she needed to go, "Alright. Bye everyone." she waved.

Everyone waved bye to her as she got on the bus and it drove off.

Mabel sighed and stared at the window. Waddles hopped onto her lap and licked her face.

"Thanks Waddles, you always know how to make me feel better." Mabel said with a small smile.

"mabel" said a disembodied voice in the distance.

Mabel moved back a bit, "Waddles? Did you just say my name?" she asked curiously.

"Mabel!" the voice cried out again, this time a little louder.

Mabel looked around and saw no one who could've said her name. She looked outside at the window and saw a silhouette of a boy with a lumber jack hat on.

"MABEL!" it cried even louder.

It was then so clear who the voice belonged to. The boy running came closer and was now fully visible.

Mabel gasped at the sight, "DIPPER?!"

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