Chapter 1

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"Kids," Stan said with small tears falling down his face, "you knuckleheads were nothing but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of you."

Mabel and Dipper hugged Stan, "We'll miss you too Grunkle Stan." Mabel said smiling.

They both finished saying their goodbyes and came to the front of the bus. "Ready to head into the unknown?" Dipper asked his sister.

"Nope." Mabel replied, then she smiled at him, "Let's do it."

They got on the bus and it started to drive away. Everyone started running after the bus waving and yelling their final farewells.

"Bye! Bye, bye everyone!" Mabel shouted, "We'll miss you!"

"Bye!" Dipper shouted, "I'll miss you guys too!"

When they were out of sight, both of them leaned on the bus seats and sighed.

"I'm really going to miss Gravity Falls." Mabel said with a sigh.

"Yeah, me too." Dipper said, "But we can always just beg mom and dad to take us here next year."

Mabel laughed, "Yeah."

As the bus kept on going, the "You are now leaving Gravity Falls" sign got closer. Just as they passed through it, Dipper flew back to the end of the bus as if he was dragged there by some invisible force.

"OH MY GOSH DIPPER! Are you ok?!" Mabel shouted to her brother.

Dipper looked up and scratched his head, "Yeah, I think so. But what the heck just happened?!"

Dipper looked at the windows and noticed that the bus had stopped, "And why aren't we moving?"

Mabel shrugged at her brother and looked over to the bus driver, "Hey mister bus driver! Why'd we stop?!" she yelled.

The bus driver looked at her annoyed, "I'm not sure. I'm pressing on the gas pedal but she's just not budging!"

As the bus driver kept his foot on the pedal, it felt as if Dipper's back was getting pushed to back door harder and harder.

"AGH!" Dipper screamed, "STOP! STOP!"

The bus driver took his foot off the pedal and looked over at Dipper, "How'd you get all the way over there? Get back to your seat."

Dipper sighed of relief that the pain was over and nodded. He stood up but once he tried to take a step, he couldn't move.

"Dipper, what's wrong?" Mabel asked.

"I- I don't know." Dipper said worriedly, "It's like my back is stuck to the end of the bus!"

Mabel got out of her seat and went over to her brother. She grabbed his hand and tried pulling him but it was no use.

"Whoa, you're really stuck there!" Mabel said.

Dipper nodded.

"This is weird," Mabel said, scratching her chin, "I'm gonna call Grunkle Stan."

Mabel called Grunkle Stan, the bus driver went outside to see what was wrong with the bus, and Dipper just sat at the end, glued to the wall.

"I don't understand!" Dipper thought to himself, "We were just about to pass though the sign, and then... I couldn't." Dipper couldn't believe it. Was it HIS fault why they couldn't move?

Trapped in the Falls (Gravity Falls AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें