Chapter 14

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It's been two weeks since Mabel arrived, and it had been just like old times. Dipper and Mabel went on crazy adventures together and it was the most fun they had had since last year.

Today, Mabel wanted to hang out with Candy and Grenda, which was understandable. The three of them WERE best friends.

"Are you sure it's ok?" Mabel asked her brother.

Dipper continued reading his book as he laid down on his bed, "Yeah Mabel, you haven't seen them in a long time. Plus, they've really missed you." he said.

"But we only have the summer to be together Dipper! Are you sure you don't want to do something today?"

Dipper looked up from his book and sat up straight, "Mabel, I know we only have the summer together, but that means you only have the summer with THEM too!" he argued, "Plus, I have plans to go somewhere today."

"Oooooo, is it a date?" Mabel asked mockingly.

"Pssh, yeah right." Dipper said and threw his book at her.

Mabel dodged it and laughed, "Ha, I guess you're right. The day you get a date is the day I marry the gnomes!"


"Well I guess I'll go with Candy and Grenda then, see you later Dipstick!" Mabel said as she headed out the door.

"See ya." Dipper said as she closed the door.

Dipper sighed and fell flat on his bed, "Guess I could visit him again."


Dipper walked into the forest, and met at Bill Cipher's statue. He stared at it for a second, smiled, and sat down.

"Hey Bill," he said, "how've you been?"

The statue said nothing back.

"Sorry I haven't come lately," he continued any way, "Mabel came back and we're having a blast."

Dipper looked up at the statue, "I'm happy she's back, but... I know it's not gonna last. The last day of summer will come again, and Mabel will have to leave. And I'll have to stay."

Dipper looked down at the ground and small tears started falling to the ground.

"It's just gonna be one huge cycle." Dipper said in between sobs, "One huge, STUPID, cycle."

"Pine Tree." Dipper heard, as if in an echo.

"Pine Tree?" Dipper thought, he looked up and still just saw the statue. He sniffed and rubbed his eyes, "Bill?" he asked.

There was no response.

"I think I'm going crazy." Dipper thought to himself, "I probably shouldn't be here anyway. I should probably use this time to spend as much time with Mabel as I can."

Dipper quickly stood up and smiled, "Thanks Bill, you always know just what to do."

He then ran out of the woods to catch up to Mabel. No matter what they were doing or how girly it was going to be, he wanted to be by her side.

But, was Dipper's mind really playing tricks on him? Or was the demon dorito trying to tell him something?

Trapped in the Falls (Gravity Falls AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz