Surprise Fallout

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Hiya Descendants Fam!

I have a niece! Very excited in the Dark house today.

Sorry for the late post. Things and Shinies.

Lots of Love!


(See the end of the chapter for Twisted's review.)

Deez furrows her brow before she sits up and looks around in confusion.

The cove?

But if she was at the cove, then where was-



She jumps to her feet. "Gil?" She calls again, louder this time.

But again silence greets her.

She runs out of the cave, panic clawing at her throat. "GIL!"

"Not here!" She hears someone say harshly.

She blinks before she turns to find T kneeling in the shallows as the small waves lapped up to his waist. "T? What's-"

"Sup?" He greets, not looking up from where he was scrubbing his hoodie, clinching his teeth clenched.

Right. They'd gone out together. Gil, Uma, and Harry were back on the ship still. She presses a hand to her chest. "Sorry, guess I'm just used to waking up here with Gil."

"Don't worry 'bout it." T waves her off.

She frowns before she walks out to stand behind him as she radiates heat.

"Fuck." He tilts his head back to look up at her, "Thank you."

"You guys are gonna kill yourselves messing around in the cold like this." She glares before she presses a warm hand to his pale lips.

"Fat's eye wev got ooh." His eyes sparkling with amusement.

"That only counts when I'm actually here from the start." She glares.

T shrugs before he turns his attention back to his hoodie.

"So, how long was I asleep?" She asks before she kneels behind him, resting her forehead against his back.

"Long enough that I fixed shit, short enough that we didn't miss the barge."

She sighs against him, "Sorry about yesterday. I don't know what that was."

The world had seemed so distorted.

Loud and silent.

Fast and slow.

Light and dark.


"Don't be." He shrugs. "All that matters is how you're feeling now... Which is?"

"Hungry." She chuckles as her stomach growls.

"Heard." T nods, "There's jerky in one of my bags."

"Thanks. I'll get it when you're done."

T shrugs before he holds his hoodie up, "Just need to get my pants."

She takes the hoodie in her hands to dry it, smiling at the steam that rose from the material. When she flips it, she finds a huge white and yellowish stain in the shape of a spider.

Oh, so many questions.

Like why, when she knew for a fact he only wanted to blend in, had he so distinctly marked his hoodie.

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