Workroom Work Arounds

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Hey Descendants Gang!

Twisted and I are back at it, typing our fingers off and arguing scenes until they're the best we can make them. We're also back with a new week of updates.

This chapter really makes me laugh towards the end, hopefully it hits a spot for you Tarry fans out there too.

We hope you enjoy the chapter, and please don't forget to let us know you were here.

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"T?" Harry knocks against the door, "Come on, we be agreein' this be necessary." He knocks again. Every time he'd tried to convince T it was time to start working on the shit David suggested, T was suddenly busy.

Well, not this time. He'd made sure Deez and Gil were sitting at the table doing their own thing, and Uma was talking with both Yensid and James about the finer points of sailing and navigation.

T was completely out of options.

So when T opens the door, he finds himself staring in surprise that his hood was actually down.

"Sup Hook?" T greets with a grin as he leans against the frame casually, as if he hadn't been avoiding him.

He crosses his arms over his chest as he glares, "Really? Ya don'nah be thinkin' I can be ah seein' what ya were doin'?"

T tilts his head to the side. "What was I doing?" He gestures for him to come in.

"Avoidin' touch practice." Harry sighs before he slips into the room, "Every time I be ah comin' down here ya were ah bein' busy."

T shrugs before he closes the door, "I just got blow darts." He states as if that explained everything.

"Aye?" His eyes narrow in warning, "I be ah mite angry if ya be ah aimin' ta practice on me."

"Don't worry," He chuckles, "We're still trying to figure out the proper measurements right now."

"That don'nah be soundin' like somethin' ta be ah soothin' me." Harry rolls his eyes.

T snorts, "Want soothing or honesty?"

He sighs. Maybe he'd come in on this a little too steamed. "Honesty, o'course." He takes a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

"Thought so," T grins, "We've been messin' round with two different knockout methods. One's like morphine, other is like the sleep shit." He gestures to the table before he points to a target drawn on the wall with several darts sticking out of it. "And my aim." He snorts.

Harry tilts his head before he walks over to the wall, inspecting the small punctures all around the targets, "Aye, I be ah seein' why ya be ah needin' practice."

"Fuck off," T waves him off, "it's harder than it looks." He grumbles as he walks over and pulls a dart out of the wall before handing it to him with the glass straw. "Wanna try?"

"Uh, aye... I can be ah tryin'," He fumbles a little as he loads the dart into the glass tube.

"Oh yeah," T's lips tilt into a wicked smirk, "be careful of the tips, they might still have some of the shit on them."

"Ya be ah right fucker sometimes, ya be ah knowin' that?" Harry rolls his eyes.

"Only sometimes?" T snorts before he goes and perches on the back of the chair, nearly tripping on the lip of the seat.

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