Salt 'n Burn

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So, Hiya Bitches!

Dark usually writes these but I was being a real persnickety bitch about this one so she left it to me.

You've been asking, biting at the bit, worried af, and maybe even prepping for it.

But are you really ready?

Are you prepared?

Find out! Check yes if you are:

In class?

At Work?

On the Bus?

In Public in General?

If you checked yes to any of those... Perfect!

That's exactly where you don't want to be for this unless you know, you're up for a challenge… Or hate yourself, or ya know, need moral support...

For those that scroll right by these intro's LoLz... We tried

Do any of you remember thinking how weird it was that this Book was marked Mature?

*Whispers* This chapter is the reason...

Foreboding enough for ya Fandom? ;)

That being said, Trigger Warnings ahead!



(See the end of the chapter for questions)


Faustina whimpers in agony as she looks around the room weakly. Fear and exhaustion had become her whole world. Her entire body ached. Her back was ablaze with a new type of torment as the salt he'd laid her in burned deeper into her skin.



"T? P-please! W-wake up! I'm s-s-sorry!" She shakily pleads in desperation when she hears the familiar steps of her father walking down the stairs.

"Please? I'll behave, I promise." She pleads. "I can't take this. I can't take this. I can't take this."

Where was he? Where was T? Her breaths become shorter. Choppier. Desperately.

She cries out in pure desperation. Where was he? Why wasn't he coming? Did he abandon her to this fate? Her tears intensify as her heart rate skyrockets. T! T! T! Her only thought. Where was her savior? Her protector? Her brother? What had their father done to him?

"Oh child. Are you calling for me to save you? Or the demon vying for your soul?" He tuts softly, his tongue clicking in disappointment, "Because you shouldn't call out for the aid of a demon. It is the demon that is tormenting you, I am merely the tool of your salvation," His face comes into view above her, "As I have always been."

She swallows, staring at her father in horror as she stills, petrified.

Oh no. God, please no.

Had that been out loud?

Her gut twists with fear. "Of course father." She closes her eyes, fresh tears already staining her cheeks. Why was it such a struggle to keep T up? He'd never slept like this on her before. She prayed to anyone that would listen that's all that this was. That he was sleeping, or working on a plan to get them out. Something. Anything, that hadn't been him leaving her to this. But the silence was scaring her.

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