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Hey Descendants!

Look-it us getting this out before 3 pm our time!

We hope you all are well and safe, and since you're here and reading this, thank you for spending time with us and our story.

Last update Yensid showed up to assist Uma with tending to T and Faustina's sever wounds. And then Yensid patched up Harry's shoulder. Many of you have let us know you really enjoy seeing Yensid step into that role, and we are so excited to hear that.

Now we're all just holding our breath that T can not only pull through this but can do so without high tailing it out of the Sea family's lives forever. What do you guys think?

We hope you enjoy Trust. Please don't forget to like, follow, favorite, and/or leave us a message.

Lots of Love fellow Descendants,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma falls back against a stack of crates with a large coat in her arms.

Fucking T. Fucking always thinking ahead and being a damn hero.

She knew he said something about clothes the last time they'd been down here together.

But she had no idea T thought about winter. Or the fact that Gil was nearly as tall as his father, and probably even bigger with all the muscle he'd packed on working swords.

T had come through for them again. Her hero.

Tears run down her face as she holds the jacket tightly to her aching chest. She sobs into the soft leather, hoping no one could hear her having a breakdown.

T looked like she'd been through all kinds of hell. Burned. Branded. Sliced up. Claimed. Uma's skin crawls as her chest heaves. The sick fucking bastard.

And Harry. Something was wrong, very wrong with her Pretty Boy. It was more than T's state, more than finding T in that stupid basement, though Sea Gods knew that was more than enough.

He'd seen something. He'd done something.

She cries harder into the jacket.

They just got Deez back, just got her to agree to join them. Why was everything starting to go wrong again?

Gods help her if they lost T.

No one on the isle would be safe from the outrage she and her family would feel over that kid's loss.

She laughs. The echo of it hollow and hysterical even to her own ears. She didn't have time to be weak right now, didn't have time for whatever the fuck she was doing. Gil needed to get warm, and so did T.

She gulps in air before she reaches back into the pile and pulls out a whole new set of clothes for her Sweet Boy.

She needed to make up for wasted time. She runs up the stairs. She still had to write the letter, and gather things for them to work on.

She rushes through the door to her room, tossing the new clothes on the table before she pulls a bag out from under her desk.

"Anything I can help with?" Yensid asks as Harry practically jumps into the bed to get out of Uma's way.

"The clothes on the table are for Gil."

"Understood." Yensid starts folding the clothes before packing them into the bag.

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