Krakens and Demons

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Hey Descendants!

We're back with a new chapter. And another birthday. February is full of birthdays for us. This time it's my little brother's.

Anyway, we'll be bringing you updates every Monday and Friday from here on out. Getting the book up on the first was seriously a group effort to do something nice for Twisted, and thank you, everyone, who took the time to wish her a happy birthday. It made her day!

It really fucking did! Thanks you guys-Twisted

But, back to the story…


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma curses as she does another sweep of the church. The place creeped her the fuck out. No matter how light she tried to step it still echoed around the room, like it was trying to tell on her. The place was as chilling as it was foreboding.

All the eyes from the grim glass and ghastly painted depictions only added to the creep factor.

She was beyond worried about T, but she still wished she had gotten Deez duty. She swallows a groan. She didn't know what she had been thinking when she suggested pulling straws to see who was going to be chasing who. She loved both of them. She knew she did. But her hunting down T, now that she was doing it, didn't make logistical sense.

Deez, as far as she knew, kept to the ground.

But T? Her eyes dart to the shadows of the rafters as she studies them carefully. T liked to keep high. Her stomach does a flip at the thought of trying to hop roof to roof, along with the familiar feeling of dread and panic before she dropped her eyes back to the ground.

She'd never hated herself more than at this moment.

Then again, her gut was telling her that if T were still on the isle the roofs weren't where they were going to find him.

And that brought on a different type of fear. She shudders at the sense of foreboding sending shivers down her spine. The gothic architecture of the church was not helping. She rubs her hands up and down her arms in a futile attempt to warm them.

She grimaces. Harry and Gil were going to keelhaul her if they found out she came here, but what else was she supposed to do? Wander the streets aimlessly?

Uma sighs. She hoped she cared too much about her family to let something as dumb as a stupid fear stop her from finding them.

Still, she wasn't having any luck down here. Every room she could get access to had no trace of T. No scrap of black clothing. No daggers. No lock picks. Not even a damn dried herb.

She looks to the weird alter, and the door beyond it before she bites her lip. She needed to go upstairs.

Chills run down her back as she makes herself shrink further into the shadows, cursing herself for wearing such a colorful outfit as she looks around warily. Next time she came in this shit hole she was pulling a fucking T. Black everything.

If Frollo found her here, he'd make a huge scene, about her being a monster because she was the daughter of a sea witch and Hyades was her cousin- She shivers at the memories.

What the fuck was a heretic anyways?

She swallows as she pushes herself off the wall to creep carefully towards the door, keeping to the shadows to get there quickly, but without drawing attention to herself. She had several ideas on what Frollo did to T. Each more horrible than the last.

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