Because of You

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Hey Descendants,

So… That last chapter right? You guys finally got to see what creepy and evil things Frollo was doing to our Shadow.

In the mood for some family talk and a happy Kraken?

We hope you enjoy,


(See the end of the chapter for questions)

Uma blinks after listening to her cousin explain the new layer of complication that was T.

Split personalities? That was a whole new world of confusion. But it did explain a few things. Like why she'd never questioned his sex. Why she couldn't picture T in the clothes she'd found. How sometimes he could sit still when usually he was so go go go. At least she was pretty sure the last one was because of the other personality. Maybe anyways. She still wasn't a hundred percent sure.

She grins as she gently washes Deez, slowly ridding her of her many layers of grime she'd accumulated during her time on the run. Every pass of the soapy rag over her skin helped ease an ache she hadn't fully been aware of until the moment her cousin had yelped happily at the offer to get a bath.

Honestly, she was happy for the distraction. Happy she could take care of at least one of them.

She couldn't even be sure how long they'd slept. She felt much better, at least physically. And Deez certainly looked better. The dark circles under her eyes had all but vanished. And the tint of her skin was returning to her usual pristine white. It was a small relief, but a relief none the less.

Still, she'd feel better once they had T under their care too. Now that they knew for a fact T was somewhere on the isle and hadn't shown up or been the one to find Deez… She was worried. Where the fuck could he be?

"That don'nah be soundin' like nothin' we can'nah be ah handlin'." Harry nods solemnly as he passes a bucket of water to Uma.

Uma smiles tightly at him, "Thanks." Could they though? It had been hard enough handling one T. It was a strange concept, but T, as she had unfortunately found out, lived a strange life. Was the girl part of him, his other personality? She wanted to ask so badly. But she couldn't. Not right now at least. Not with Gil walking in and out of the room with buckets of water.

Deez tightens her grip around her legs as she looks away and rests her chin on her knees, "I don't think you have to worry about them both being like T. I think the other one is, quieter."

Uma sighs in relief, much to her embarrassment. She turns back to her task at hand. She takes a cup and pours the clean water over Deez, after a quick warning.

"I be ah callin' dibs on washin' her hair," Harry demands firmly as he walks over to his small trove of beauty tonics.

Uma rolls her eyes but scoots over, picking up the scrap of towel she was using as a washcloth before she starts washing the girl's other arm.

"Are we going to go look for him?" Deez asks quietly as she shifts to give her better access to her whole arm.

"Of course we are." Gil shuts the door behind him, two more buckets of steaming water sloshing at his sides.

"Aye, I be ah going out after we be gettin' ya back ta ah standard o' recognizin' ya again." Harry nods as he takes a seat and starts mixing different bottles into a bowl.

"We were hopin' ya could actually help us out Baby Girl." Uma gives her a small smile. "Any places we should know about? Or someplace you think we should check? Our method was kinda..."

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