Lost Kraken

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Hiya Descendants Gang!

Happy Monday! And welcome to another update.

Sorry if you were hoping this would be the chapter Yensid takes Maleficent to task. We did write that, and you will get to see it on Friday. Silly Twisted. She was really tired when we updated on Friday.

So what can you expect with this chapter?

How does some Uma/Harry hurt comfort sound?

We hope you enjoy :)



Harry trudges back to the ship, tired and miserable. It'd been fucking days! They'd checked the cove. They'd checked the school. They'd checked the old beach they'd once hung out on. Hell, they'd climbed a stupid fucking mountain. All for what?

Nothing apparently. Nothing but sore legs and less hope. He sighs.

He'd be a liar if he said he hadn't been overly hopeful she'd be on the damn mountain. He and Gil had both been so disappointed it hurt. But it was the last place they could think to look. Gil said she preferred to stay out of town, but if she were hiding out in the uninhabited they would have run into her by now. She would have heard them looking for her, or T would have spotted them by now.

Did this mean they weren't playing their stupid game? He frowns, not wanting to believe T and Deez were both gone. Maybe Uma had more luck?

He sighs. He was just so tired of hoping, of feeling completely defeated. He also wasn't used to his muscles aching like this. That stupid fucking game had them going all over the isle on a damn goose chase. Ugh. No wonder the dragon hated it.

Not that it mattered. They weren't where they were supposed to be. So hunting blindly it was.

But! When they found them, he was putting his foot down on that stupid fucking game. And he for damn sure knew Gil was with him. He imagined Uma would be too if she'd had as much luck as them.

He pulls his arms behind his back and stretches. Several pops provide some relief to his aching back. He'd felt bad for taking Gil up on his offer to go alone to check the cove one last time before heading back to the ship, but he doubted he'd be able to climb the cliff at this rate.

When he finally arrives at the docks he lets out a sigh. So close to home.

Thank the gods. The bed was screaming his name.

When he sees the face James was making his relief falters. "Oy, what be ah wrong now?" He demands, knowing without question something was off.

James frowns, "Cap'n be in a right foul mood when she be gettin' to the ship these past few days ya'll be split." He admits from where he was mopping. "Was hopin' ya could calm the Kraken before she be takin' one of us ta task with that whip of hers after she finishes breaking everything in the cabin." He rubs the back of his head, "Again." He adds sheepishly.

Harry lets out a sigh as his chin drops to his chest. So Uma didn't find any treasure either. "I be ah havin' this mate. Don'nah be ah worrin'." He gives James an encouraging pat on the back as he inches towards the cabin.

He flinches as he hears Uma's scream of frustration. "Godsdamn motherfucking sonovabitch!" Something crashes.

"But ya might be ah wantin' ta be ah headin' below ta be safe," Harry grimaces as he turns to their room, "maybe send Tim up," he winks mischievously, "just in case."

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