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Hey fellow quarantined Descendants,

So Twisted and I are now in official quarantine. My brother and I are sick, but are being told to stay home and rest unless we get worse. So now, when we are able to write, it's remote... Twisted's favorite! (Insert all the sarcasm here)

Anyway, welcome to another week of updates. Last week we saw Uma and Deez wrestle with demons and monsters while Harry and Gil did everything they could to pull them back.

This update, something unexpected is going to take them by surprise. We hope you enjoy.


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"The Mistress of Evil has pulled back the Goblin squads that were patrolling the edges of town." Pain explains, holding a partially rolled scroll in front of his face.

"So something had to have happened, right?" Panic asks as he paces twitchily back and forth behind Pain.

"Seems like something knocked some sense into our fair fairy." Hades rubs his chin thoughtfully, "Nothing about my Firebug though?"

Pain and Panic look at each other and blink.

"Do you mean the Mistress-"

"The Firebug!" Hades slams his hand down on the arm of his chair, "The girl parading around as a boy, the one that is so fucking entertaining, the one the fairy is afraid of."

"Oh, yes. That Firebug."

"Unfortunately we didn't hear anything from Master T."

"But speaking of fires, if fires are interesting to you oh master," Pain bows deeply.

"There was a fire in the red lantern district." Panic continues quickly.

"And a death." Pain adds with a small glare at Panic.

Hades raises a brow. "Whose death?" He steeples his fingers together thoughtfully.

"A priest named... Fro-" Panic gulps, "Uh, Fro low?"

"Then where the hell is the Firebug?"

"Sorry our Liege, Master of all things dead, but we did not see Master T, or hear any news of our Mistress Hyades either."

Hades narrows his eyes as he rhythmically taps his steepled fingers together. Huh. If Frollo was dead, that meant the Firebug was somewhere else. But where could the Little Shit have run off to? And why wasn't he terrorizing Baby Cheeks for both capturing him, and summoning his daughter? It didn't make any sense and it was irritating him. Didn't the damn kid know he was his entertainment? Fucking disobedient little brat, didn't he understand his place as his entertainment?

"Okay-" Hades stands up and claps his hands once, "New plan. Maim yourselves while I go find my daughter." Firebug was never far from fire, so if something was going on with T, his daughter would know.

Pain and Panic both stand up straight as they salute him before tackling each other as they start scratching, swinging, and biting each other's tails in a whir of chaotic fighting.

He lets his senses branch out, searching the thread that kept him connected to his daughter. Unexpectedly she'd started hiding herself from him, but if he really focused, he could still feel a slight vibration pulling their shared thread taunt in her direction.

"Huh..." He glares into the distance as he walks out of the temple, "What in the underworld is she doing way over there?" He drags a hand down his face, "Ugh. What a pain." Even after all these years he missed his ability to just teleport. Walking just made him feel so disgustingly mortal.

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