Burn MF Burn

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Hey Descendants!

Gonna make this a quick one today. Twisted and I are working on a Baby Shower for tomorrow. (Both of us have preggo sisters, but her sister looks like she's about to pop.)

Last chapter Harry found T. But T isn't doing well at all.

What will the Sea family do?

Enjoy :)


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma smiles as she watches Deez and Gil pour over the sketch pad between them. Her Sweet Boy was showing her Baby Girl several different tattoo designs he'd come up with over the last couple of weeks. It was a great distraction from the concerns plaguing her. They'd gotten back to the ship several hours after sunset, and she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't worried. The only thing keeping her from marching the three of them out was the hope that like Gil, Harry was only running so late because he'd found their lost Shadow.

They could use a double win.

"Do you think it will work?" Deez asks as she admires Gil's art before she looks at her own arm.

Uma grins as she notes the way Deez clasped her hand around the copy of her shell that Gil carved for her what felt like a lifetime ago. Their first real claim on her. She hadn't mentioned it to Deez, fearing it might make her self conscious, but every time she caught her hand around the meticulously made shell it made her heart feel like it could burst with happiness.

Gil frowns as he sits back with a thoughtful expression. "I hope so." He finally sighs as he brushes his fingers over her cousin's pristine white arm, "But I guess we really won't know till we do it."

Uma nods as she walks over to put an arm around both of them, "So, who's gonna be getting their tattoo last?"

Gil opens his mouth before he shuts it, his brows furrowing deep in thought. "You." He finally decides.

Uma presses her lips to his temple, "I can't wait to see it." She looks over to Deez, "And have you picked which one you like best?"

Deez smiles, "I like the one with the quill. Since I can control my fire better, I don't have to use the chisel anymore."

Gil beams at her before he takes the notebook back and flips through it. "I thought you'd say that. Here," He pushes it back to her. "I came up with several quill designs."

Deez makes a noise of delight as she slips into the chair beside him and takes the book, "You're amazing with detail." She smiles as she runs a finger beside a beautiful, slightly frayed feather quill.

Gil blushes as he looks away. "Thank you."

Uma chuckles. It was adorable watching her Baby Girl and Sweet Boy interact. "He's spent weeks bent over that book, and if I'm counting right, two others making sure we had options." She ruffles Gil's hair affectionately.

Deez blinks before she turns a grin on Gil, "I want to see them."

Gil bites his lip, "They're not as good as these ones."

"But you get to read my rough drafts and that's really like the same thing."

Gil frowns before he hangs his head in resignation. "One minute." His chair scrapes back as he stands to go gather them.

Uma grins as she watches Gil before she sits against the edge of the table, "How ya feeling?"

Deez reaches out and plays with one of Uma's braids absently, "I'm okay Uma. Still kind of tired," She shrugs, "but much better than I was."

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