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After the  incident I had Sebastian search the manor and the area around it for traces of who ever had written the message on the window. There was no sign that anyone had been there before or after the writing was discovered. I know that this has to be somewhat related to the murders going around. From all we know it could have been that clown, or the masked eyeless man, or something completely unexpected. 

Its oddly quiet around with the murders and all. Nothing seems to have happened to anyone. Due to the 'message' we received I'm sure that something is soon to come. I just have no idea what it could be.

Third person creepypasta POV:

In the Slender forest that same night from earlier. "So what's the plan?" Ben said to Jeff as they were walking threw the 'Forest'.

"Well there were some people snooping around here after we killed though's two girls. They'd make good targets." Jeff said as they neared the edge of the forest where two men were wandering around. They looked like they were reporters or something of the sort. One was about 22-ish and thin, the other was somewhat older and fatter.

"I'll get tubby over here." Jeff said smiling.

"So then I'll get the other dude." Ben said also smiling.

They attacked the guys and they both ended up dead (no duh). After they were dead Jeff and Ben walked back to the mansion avoiding getting caught by the others. And managed to get away with killing people.

The next day the dead body's of the two reporters were found near the edge of the forest...

Ciel POV: 

Sebastian walked into my study. 

"Young master it seems the murders are happening again." Sebastian informed Ciel.

"Which type of murder was it this time?" I asked him. 

"Well ones face was carved into along with stab wounds the other (Whatever happens to people when Ben kills them.)" Sebastian said.

"So two new ones to investigate..." I trailed off thinking.

"Shall I prepare a carriage to the Undertakers?" Sebastian asked.

"No. You had told me perfectly well what had happened to them. We should investigate the crime seen. Where is it?" I asked.

"Its off near a big forest in the country." Sebastian replied.

"Then prepare a carriage to arrive at the crime seen." I told him.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian replied bowing then walking out of my study.

Sebastian prepared a carriage and we headed to the forest. We arrived there as it started to get dark. I didn't plan to stay long, I just wanted to investigate the crime scene. 

Sebastian helped me out of the carriage and we walked over to the spot they were murdered in.

"So this is where it happened?" I asked.

"Yes there body's were discovered along the outside of the forest. But it seems like they were killed in the forest and dumped out here." Sebastian informed me.

"Well then we should investigate further into the forest to see where they were killed." I told Sebastian. 

"Yes my lord." Sebastian said as we walked into the forest. 

Pasta POV: 

Masky slammed the door open to the mansion with Hoodie at his side and walked in. 

"Alright, who where the ones that killed those to men outside the forest?!" Masky demanded. He looked over to see new blood stains on Jeff's white sweat shirt. 

"I thought I told you to hold out on the killing!" Masky yelled. 

"Hey I didn't say I was the one who killed them!" Jeff yelled back.

"Then explain the blood on your shirt. Did you kill them?" Masky said annoyed.

"Uh... no?" Jeff respond. Laughing Jack sighed and walked to Masky with a small pile of candy. Masky looked at him and sighed.

"I know I won the bet but I don't want the candy. The queens 'guard dog' has just entered the forest enough for them to be trapped here. We need to do something..." Masky trailed off as Laughing Jack gave a wicked smile.

"Oh, I think I can take care of the little kiddo problem we have..." Laughing Jack said giving a huge smile and chuckling. And in a puff of black smoke he disappeared.


Heyo peeps! Cliffhanger! I wonder what LJ's gonna do...  Hahaha! Don't worry peeps I will update tomorrow if I can! I just got an idea... or a few... and I hope you all don't mind if a certain reaper got involved... if you do comment! Well see ya soon! Also comment any ideas or suggestion if ya got any! Byezez!

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