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"Sebastian, promise me to not let any harm come to me through out this ordeal."

"Of course my Lord. If I couldn't do that what kind of butler would I be?"

With that I opened the door and walked into the living room. Jeff sat on the couch twirling a knife in his hand, Eyeless Jack sat next to him eating a kidney calmly as Grell who was leaning on top of the couch trying to play with his hair only to have his hand batted away a few seconds later by Eyeless Jack. Clockwork was talking with Toby on the carpet and Ben was sitting  on the couch to the left of Eyeless Jack playing on a small devise. Ben looked up at us and wiped away some blood trailing down his cheek from his left eye before speaking. 

"So what'd Slender tell you two?" He asked tilting his head curiously. Sebastian and I exchanged looks then I spoke.

"He has informed us that the Observer is inhabiting my body until further notice. And we have found why his power is stronger. He has teamed up with a angel from our realm, her name is Angela. Her powers combined with this Zalgo could end in the destruction of both of our realms." I concluded. 

 "Well that can't be good..." Clockwork said, "I mean we all know he has a giant army, who knows what this Angel has!" She said.

"Is there any chance of our survival?" Eyeless Jack asked. Sebastian answered.

"Slenderman said all we can do now is fight his new power. It would be best to work together than on our own, if you don't mind me asking how good are your skills at fighting?" Sebastian asked tilting his head. Most of them smirked at this question. "Because if most of your skills come from killing unarmed humans, then I expect them to be poor." At this I smirked watching there smiles fade. 

"You wanna find out buddy?! I bet any of us here can take you on!" Jeff blurted out without thinking. Sebastian smirked at Jeff's outburst and continued. "To insure my young master's safety I would like you to prove such. If your fighting doesn't meet my standards I will critique it." 

"Well I'm in. I wanna prove to you, you aren't so big and tough." Jeff said accepting the challenge. From that more of the people in the room began saying they were up for the task. Sebastian, still smirking explained how they would do as he asked. 

"Outside if there is a clearing big enough I would like to stand in the middle and you can all attack at a time you wish. No rules or restrictions, the goal is at the least try to injure me. If I pin you down then you're out." He explained. I was looking forward to watching them make fools of themselves when I felt a presence behind me. I turned my head and saw Slenderman standing there with Masky and Hoodie on either side of him.

"This idea may be of use. They may be killers but they are far from anything that can take on the powers of Zalgo." Jeff glared at Slenderman when he said this. "I allow it, Masky watch them and make sure things don't get out of hand. I need Hoodie's assistance with other matters." With that Slenderman and Hoodie both disappeared from the room leaving Masky behind, whom looked like he wanted nothing to do with any of this.

"T-there is a clearing n-not far from h-here! C'mon!" Toby said jumping up excitedly and running over to the door. One by one everyone began standing up and followed him out, some of them running to keep up with Toby such as Jeff and Clockwork. Before the rest of us left Sebastian slipped into the kitchen and was out few seconds later. The rest of us held a fast enough pace as we followed Toby. When we caught up with the other three we reached a big open field that was about perfect for the training.

"Young master, as I do not wish for you to be harmed may you watch from a safe distance?" Sebastian asked me. I nodded and walked to a side of the field with Masky, whom was only here to Observe the training. And before I knew it there were two others sitting next to us on lawn chairs. It was Kagekao and a person who resembled Slenderman but wore a gray trench coat, fedora and knee high boots and had a big sharp toothed smile. The 'man' held a glass out to Kagekao and Kagekao poured wine into it. The man looked at me and his smile grew and he spoke. 

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