Further Help Is Needed

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"So... this is how it ends?" Ciel asked Observer. 

'Afraid so kid' 

"Who are you talking to?" Grell asked leaning his chainsaw on his hip as he gave Ciel a confused look. Ciel shook his head. He didn't have time to explain. 

"I was talking to no one. Grell I need you to get me up there to Sebastian and Eyeless Jack." Ciel demanded. 

"And how am I going to help with that? If that grotesque thing up there tormenting my sexy helpless demons who knows what he'll do to either of us!" Grell exclaimed using dramatic poses of a damsel in distress to show what grave danger he thought them both to be in. Although he did have a point... How would they get past the Demon Lord unnoticed for long enough to perform the enchantment?


"Help the others." He demanded through clenched teeth. Toby nodded to the order, a hint of fear of Jack's mental state clear in his expression. Jack dropped him to his feet and disappeared. Jack realized how and who could fix this. Or at least pay for the chaos the person had created.  HABIT

Jack was now in a dimension much like a normal world. It was like a park, a forest surrounded everything in the distance. Jack slowly walked a path leading towards the boardwalk at one end of the area. As he got closer he could hear talking and stopped.

"I can understand, but I can't respect it. Noah I want you to look at me and I want you to tell me that you're gonna do what I asked you to do." HABIT said.

"No. Fuck you." Noah insulted.

"You're lying. You're gonna find that journal. You're gonna draw that symbol, on what you need to do it on. Not because I asked you to, no. Because you want to. See, I'm here for your own benefit. Now you're gonna go do what I asked. Oh, sorry. Do what you want to do, of course. And I'm gonna go back to hunting down that little rascal." HABIT motioned to the other end to the boardwalk. "And a couple others. So what are we gonna do Noah? Are we gonna fight? Or are we gonna die screaming?" HABIT asked.

"I just wanna go home." 

"Go home? I can do that." HABIT smiled and stomped on the ground and pushed Noah into a doorway that appeared. "Later bitch." HABIT laughed and slammed the door. HABIT turned around and faced Laughing Jack.

"So, guess you found out what little old me did hmm?" HABIT asked with a smile. "I'm a little busy at the moment. You can try to beat the shit outta me later I have a few rabbits to catch." In a split second Laughing Jack was facing HABIT, and with HABIT's size he towered over him much like Ben. 

"I don't care about your little "war" with the beam pole." Jack hissed. "Unless you want Zalgo to take over and kill Slenderman once and for all with you losing your little realm and "murdering" privileges you are going to help the little brat defeat him." Laughing Jack demanded.

"Oh ho ho... and what you're gonna make me? I'm not afraid of you boy-o, I was around long before that little Isaac of yours was even born so don't think you can intimidate ME." HABIT said. 

"...I know of your plan. The brat was reluctant to tell me but I knew from the moment you appeared at the mansion. You know the consequences of that exorcism, there's no doubt the bloody demon will be after you if the boy doesn't survive." Laughing Jack stated. His expression grim. 

"Oh I know that. The kid's tough I'll give him that, he can take it especially with Observer on his side the entity can really pack a punch." Jack glared at him with uncertainty. "Fine if you want me to "make sure" he's safe I'll talk to a guy who can help. Until your dimension is safe don't expect anything more from me." HABIT looked behind him as footsteps sounded beyond the boardwalk. He looked back at Laughing Jack. "Well looks like your intrusion on my home has come to an end." He clapped his hands and the clown was gone.  

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