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"WHAT IN HELL IS YOUR-" I slammed the door open only to find the living room of Slender's mansion. I looked around the room I was in and found dried blood on the floor and a mutilated corpse in the corner. My eye widened and I paled, I quickly walked out of room into the now empty living room finding that was the room we had seen HABIT walk out of when I had first got here. 'Where is everyone?' I thought. "Sebastian?" I called out. Just then where placed on both of my shoulders and door on the other side of the room opened. Sebastian walked into the house glaring at the person behind me who I assumed to be Laughing Jack.

"See~ the kiddo is fine as I assured he would be~." Jack said patting my shoulder. Sebastian walked over to me, Laughing Jack taking a step back, and grabbed my hand that HABIT had cut and showed it palm up.

"He doesn't look to be fine." Sebastian said looking from the cut up to Jack.

"Trust me it could have gone a lot worse..." Jack mumbled, "Oh heh I mean its just a tiny cut." Sebastian shook his head in disapproval of Laughing Jack and tore a bit of fabric from the bottom of his shirt and wrapped it around my cut, that was still slightly bleeding.

The lights flickered and the door to the house opened, when it did the lights went out. We all directed our attention to the one who had opened the door. It was the tall faceless man we had seen when we first arrived at the mansion in our realm and he had three people behind him. My throat felt scratchy and a warm blood dripped out of my nose.

"Young master your bleeding." Sebastian said with concern looking towards me. As Slenderman walked into the house towards us I began coughing, tasting a metallic taste in my mouth. The people around me were saying some things in a paniced tone bit there was a loud ringing in my ears so I could hear any of it or figure out who was saying it. I then fell do my knees coughing up crimson red blood. Someone caught me before I hit the floor but by that time I was already unconsious.

////////////Time skip brought to you by Prussia's awesomeness///////////////

I slowly opened my eye, covering it from the bright light in the room I was in. The room I was in currently seemed generally normal. The walls were white and the floor had a brown-ish carpet. I sat up in the bed I was now in. I couldn't remember much of what happened, all I remembered was walking out of the room with the dead corpse in it, the rest was a blur. Along with the memory loss my head was pounding and the ringing wasn't fully gone.

The floor had clothes scattered around and pages covered in strange symbols written in black along with clear empty orange containers (pill containers). There were faint voices outside the door growing louder with each step towards the room I was in currently.

The door slightly cracked open and someone looked in. "Oh good your awake." I recognized the voice as Masky. He opened the door and tossed me one of the orange containers but this one was full of white pills. "Take some of those it'll help with the blood, seizures, ringing all that." He told me as he went over to a drawer and rummaged through it. I opened the top of the container and took out a pill and studied it.

"Are these your pills?" I asked remembering him talking about the pills earlier.

"No, those are Hoodies but there exactly the same. I stole them from him, there's no way in hell I'm giving up mine."

"Are these pills that important to you both?" I asked.

"Yes, but when one runs out we steal from the other. Its annoying and I was once threatened with a pipe about it, but hey what can we do?" He asked with a shrug. He turned around from the dresser and faced me. He threw me a plaid red shirt.

"Before you got blood on your shirt, thought you might want a clean one. And here," He handed me a glass of water that was on the dresser, "Take about three of those and you'll probably be fine. Went your ready you can come out to the living room. While you were out Slenderman told us some important news." With that he walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I took the pill in my hand and swallowed it with the water, then continued to do it two more times as he said three would help. It seemed to have already started taking effect for the ringing went down and my headache became less noticeable. I looked at the red plaid shirt he had given me, it wasn't something I would normally wear but he was right, the clothes I had on now were full of dried blood. I took my shirt off and put on the plaid shirt, it was a bit big on me but it would have to do.

I got up off the bed. My stomach growled, as HABIT said they didn't feed me anything since I got here and I didn't even finish eating the cookie he gave me when I had the chance. I opened the door and walked out into the hall. There were doors on the sides of the hall and at the very end were the stairs leading to the others in the living room. I began to walk towards the stairs then I heard a door open behind me and a gasp. I turned to see who it was and saw it was Trender.

"Who let you wear that." He asked me, one hand slightly covering where his mouth should be in a gasping pose.

"Masky, why do you ask?" I asked confused. 'Was this a shirt I wasn't suppose to be wearing? Did it somehow offend Trender?' I wasn't given an answer but instead pulled into the room he had just left.

"No no! I cannot allow that atrocity of an outfit to be worn in my presence!" He said. I sighed with annoyance 'Fashion...' I thought as I saw his 'room' which was more less a giant walk in closet with a bed. After he stopped at on section of the room he spun me around to directly face him. He stopped and took a thinking pose.

"Hmmm 5' and 98 pounds..." He mumbled to himself loud enough for me to hear.

"How do you..?"

"I'm just that good honey..." He then quickly spun around and began looking through all the clothing hanging in that section. After of few seconds he found what he was looking for. He spun back around to me and tore my clothes away. My face grew red but before I knew it there I was wearing a whole other outfit. He dragged me over to a giant mirror. I was wearing (The picture above) which didn't look to bad but Trender then shook his head no and pulled me back over to the clothes.

"To dressy..." He whispered.

I stood there another few seconds and he had a second outfit with him. He tore my other clothes away and put the new outfit on me within seconds. (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/72/d5/2c/72d52ca8cb4b37b1a38df1af8efd4c90.jpg)

This new outfit wasn't something I was use to but after Trender took a look of me with it on he nodded and pulled me out of the room, down the hallway, and down the stairs into the living room where most everyone was. But strangely Sebastian wasn't there. The others turned there heads to me and Trender but Trender just waved a hand at them and said. "Be jealous." Sassily and walked away.


Heyo peeps! Yay sassy Trenderman! Ugh wattpad is being a bitch and wont let me load the picture of Ciel's current outfit but if you type out the link you'll see it. Well see ya soon! Also comment any ideas or suggestion if ya got any! Byezez!

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