New world

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Ciel slowly opened his eye waking up from he sudden black out. The usual darkness of the forest surronded him. His eye adjusted to the darkness as he sat up and looked around. From what it looked like it was night, but it always looked like night in this forest. Ciel stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes. Ciel realized he was alone in the forest he came to the conclusion that he should look for Masky or anyone else that he recognized from the mansion. He slowly walked through the quiet forest that, like before, seemed to never end. The quietness of the forest and the strangest feeling of someone watching him was getting to Ciel. Ciel kept glancing behind him, the paranoia of the forest sinking in. Ciel started to walk faster, he could have sworn he heard someone behind him. But sure enough, no one was there. Before long he was running through the cold dark forest. Ciel was usually never scared like this, but this was the effect the forest had on people, children even more, no matter who they were.

As Ciel was running he looked over his shoulder paranoid and ran into someone knocking them both to the ground. Ciel couldn't really see who he ran into but quickly got off of whoever it was and stood up trying to catch his breath.

The person sat up and Ciel saw a small glare of the persons orange goggles from the moon light that shown threw the trees onto the spot where the person sat. The person twitched and Ciel recognized this as what one of the people in the mansion.

"Toby?" Ciel questioned breaking the somewhat awkward silence.

"Yeah? O-oh wait! Your that guard dog k-kid... Ciel! Masky and your butler are looking for you!" Toby said sounding happy and hyper, his normal self.

"And what are you doing out here?" Ciel asked noticing a red liquid on the hatchet in Toby's right hand.

"Uh... haha... n-nothing!" Toby said quickly standing up, remembering what Masky told him and the others earlier about not scaring him. Ciel eyed him suspiciously and decided not to question it. They were killer's after all.

"Alright, can you take me back to the mansion?" Ciel asked.

"S-sure! But not the same one." Toby said sounding happy again.

"What?! Why cant you take me back to the same mansion?!" Ciel asked sounding annoyed.

"Well it-t looks like we g-got sent back to our d-dimension. And I cant really take you back to the other one. But don't worry the others were sent here to!" Toby said smiling a closed eye smile.

"Alright, well take me to this other mansion then." Ciel said.

"Sure thing!" Toby said turning around in the direction of the other mansion with Ciel following. Toby and Ciel approached the mansion. It was similar to the other one in looks but bigger. There must be more killers in this mansion if its the original dimension they came from.

"Masky! I found Ciel!" Toby said to no one. Then there was a small noise and Masky teleported in front of Toby and Ciel holding onto Sebastian's arm.

"Good you weren't killed... your butler was starting to freak out." Masky said. Ciel looked over to Sebastian with a questioning look. Sebastian smiled a closed eye smile. 

"Just trying to ensure the safety of my young master. If I couldn't do that what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian said walking to the young masters side. Ciel sighed and looked to Masky.

"I assume there are more serial killers in there?" Ciel asked referring to the mansion. 

"Yes there are actually. I'll need to warn them not to harm you or there's almost no doubt someone's bound to try to kill you." Masky said.

"It must be interesting living here then." Sebastian said.

"If by interesting you mean a pain in the ass trying to keep them from being idiots and all these stupid pills, then yes." Masky replied walking to the door. "I'll be out in a minute. Toby, make sure no one try's to hurt them." 

"Alright timmy." Toby said making timmy sound like a baby name. Masky sighed and rolled his eyes stepping inside.

('With The Others somewhere in the forest)

 "Ugh... Jeff! Wake up." Eyeless Jack said and he tapped Jeff's shoulder with his foot because his arms were being restricted by grell hugging/cuddling him as Ben was laughing at him. Ej glared at Ben and he shut up knowing better.

"Are you sure he is asleep/knocked out? His eyes are open he could be awake." Ben suggested. 

"No..." Eyeless Jack said as Jeff snored. "He is asleep from being knocked out."

"JEFF! Lucifer damnit, WAKE UP!" Eyeless Jack yelled as Jeff woke up quickly sitting up.

"What do you want?!" Jeff yelled.

"We need to find the mansion idiot." Ben said,  saying idiot jokingly. Jeff sighed. 

"Alright, looks like were back in the old forest so it should be easy finding the mansion." Eyeless Jack said. 

"WAIT, THEN WERE IS MY BASSY~?" Grell asked hugging onto Eyeless Jack more in (fangirl) panic.

"He- will most likely- be here to- and could you let go-?" Eyeless Jack said as Grell was hugging the air out of him. Grell only loosened his arms using, "I don't want that scary monster to attack me again!" referring to rake, as an excuse. Eyeless Jack made a 'Nope' face behind his mask and forced Grell off of him and onto the forest floor. 

"When we get back I think Offendy will be all over this one." Jeff muttered.

"Do you like red?" Ben asked Grell as the group was walking in the direction of the mansion. 

"Oh I LOVE it~" Grell said back.

"Ya this will be fun." Ben said back to Jeff as they approached the bigger mansion. Grell gasped.

"BASSY~!" As he ran towards Sebastian. Sebastian stepped out of the way and grell fell where he was going to hug Sebastian.

"Great. YOUR here as well." Ciel  said sounding annoyed. 

"Yes brat and now I have both my Bassy~ and Jacky~ here with me!" Grell said smiling dreamily thinking about both of them. Eyeless Jack just made a disgusted noise and Sebastian looked annoyed having dealt with Grell before. The door then opened and Masky walked out with Hoodie.

"Alright I think we got the message across. You can come in." Masky said opening the door for Ciel and Sebastian. 


Heyo peeps! Yay next chapter done! I feel like I love this more and more each chapter and I hope you guys do to. I love the feed back and likes the story has, it makes me smile x3. Also comment any ideas, feedback or suggestion if ya got any! Byezez!

Creepypasta/ Black butler Crossover!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu