Happy 10th friendship anniversary

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We don't anymore

Except sometimes

But when we do

We talk like we were never separated

I don't know why I am saying this to you now

Maybe because we just talked after so many days

Or maybe you made my mood better

Even though, I wasn't going to pick up your call

But me being me, couldn't ignore you

Even though, what we talked about is my weakness

But you made me realise that It's my strength

We weren't best of friends

But we still stuck together

We lost ourselves in own world

But even after so many years

We still talk like before

We changed but our talks didn't

We grew up but we still care

You always say we are soulmates

And we are similar yet so different

Let's Promise to be friends

As long as possible

Because I don't believe in forever

I will always be your support

And philosopher

Will guide you

Whenever you need me

You know I don't speak words like this

Hope you can understand the meaning of every line.

Thank you for being with me

In my childhood

And now

Making my Weakness

My strength

Appreciating me

Supporting me

And caring for me

With Love




Your silly and philosopher friend


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