Fake Love

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What to do when all you want is love but it turns out to be fake.

When you want to feel worthy of happiness, you feel worthless.

When in place of freedom, all you get is a cage, called love.

When all you do is trust but in return, you get betrayal.

When the love ruins your innocence,
Breaks your trust,
Scatter your heart,
then the love is fake.

Fake Love is like a poisonous snake. Once it grabs a hold of you, it hollows you inside out.

It's a dream that can never be true.

It's a lie that can never become truth.

It's a magical fruit that led people to their sufferings.

Whatever facade you put on, you can't hide the genuineness

And whatever masks you put on, you can't remove the fake-ness.

The concern hides a mocking smile

The happiness hides a jealous vile

A forever hides a "whatever"

A eternal hides a betrayal

Fake Love can never be real ...

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