Endless pain...

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This pain never ends
Like a fresh wound
It gets scraped
Hidden from every eye and
Deaf to every ear
This saga never ends

Hollowness of heart
Shallowness of people
Making me Ignorance

Colour of sky
Calmness of night
Means nothing

The place called home
Has became prison
And family of my own
Has became strangers

Like a caged bird
Loosing the spirit
Dream to fly
Is leaving
Thought of breaking
Is uninterested
Nothing want to do
Just living like a robot

The cheerful and smily girl
Has been lost somewhere
If you get her
Send her anywhere
Away from the world and me
To a wonderful and lovely dream
Where every morning brings hope
Where every day becomes dope
In a Wonderland of adventure
In a kingdom of happiness
Away from me....
Away from me...

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