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People come
People go
Some are present
Some are lost
Kept the lost in heart
I now let go of past...

Memories of the past reminds me of people who are lost in the way. Memories of the past reminds me of my past self.

What I am now is just a part of my past or maybe the past is a part of me.

Just like yesterday, just like the rainy day; many memories are present in my mind.

How much I remember, I don't know. I know the past but I regret that I have bad memories more than the good ones.

I wish I could forget my past. I wish I could erase my past, the one that have me in a carefree way.

I am not the person I was. I have changed. I no longer am free. I am now chained to the responsibilities.

The chain has became a part of me, just like my shadow. It follows me like sun and moon.

I hate the moment of this present, present become the past; just like every single time.

Problems are going to be my burden and wishes are going to be my dream.

I have to let go just like the past. I don't want to but it's my responsibility after all.


" It follows me like sun and moon"

a child thinks that the sun and moon are always following them wherever they go.

" present become the past; just like every single time."

Every passing second becomes the past. The present becomes past just like the future turns into our present.

The story is about a person remembering their past self - their childhood, teenage and the forced changes and maturity.

Everyone has to go through changes from time to time. Some have to go through it sooner. Some had to become mature due to the burden of responsibility.

Memories is a journey of the past to present. Irrespective of whether it is good or bad, it still becomes a part of us.

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