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They said to me:

I cry. I am weak. I am a coward. I run away from problem. I am too easy, a pushover.

Yes I cry. I know I am weak. I run away from problem, I know that I can't face my fear and situations. I also know that I am a coward that's why I turn my back on every problem. I did that and will do that if I think I want to.

I let everyone walk on me. I let everyone use me however they want.

But has anyone has ever considered why I let them do that? Why I did whatever I did? Why I run away instead of fighting? Why do I give up?

No, none. No one has ever thought why I am like this?

They are used to judging me. They already have an illusion about me.

I don't raise my voice. I suffer in silence.

Not because I am weak or afraid, but because I was and am betrayed by the most trusted person.

Being able to live with your love one sounds great but if you have to witness every single painful moment, the place you all your home becomes your hell. You can't run away from there but can't live there either.

Every single day you get stabbed.

Multiple times a day, you have to bear the heartbreak.

But in return you can't say anything because nobody cares.

Nobody cares if you are in depression, have anxiety, panic attacks, or are dying.

Because.... That's right, NOBODY CARES.

They think they are right, and just we are the one who's overreacting but when this unfair happens to them, then what they do is right.

It's not about unfairness; it's about the thinking of people.

Change your thinking and just once try to think from others prescriptive, things will look different.


When I heard this, my mind was blown. So many emotions were described.

This story is of one of my friends that have to be told. I am keeping this person secret.

The bottle up emotions become toxic with time so let them out before this toxic burns you down.

We should really try to think from others side. Things always aren't what they seem to be.

I hope people stop suffering in silence and they can always share with me. I will only write what I think.

I did/do/will not mock anyone. I just write to give a message across people to encourage them to speak about themselves more instead of bottling up.

Until next time...

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