Children's Revenge

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Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot and please let me know what you guys thought. And this one shot takes place after the end of my last chapter in Parenting Is Hard incase you were confused. And if you have any ideas for another one shot please don't hesitate to make them.

"Okay so is everyone clear on the plan," the young seven year old asked the younger two as they were all sick of the way Doug treated them and they wanted pay back. And lucky for them Doug was in charge while Evie and the others were off looking for their other sister.

       "Yeah! This is gonna be good!" The young four year old screamed out. "I know right and he is finally gonna learn not to treat us kids badly because it's mean!" Sebastian told the others who just nodded.

         "Okay now remember we have to look innocent, so Sebastian and Mal you two are in charge of the legos and I'm gonna throw things, but he won't know it because I'm gonna pretend that I didn't!" Olivia told the younger two that smiled and nodded.

           "Okay good! Now we need a distraction!" Olivia told the two younger ones and before they could stop her Mal just smiled as she knocked down a bunch of things in her room making a loud crash and the kids all smiled when they heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

             "He's coming!" Mal screamed out excitedly as she sat down next to Sebastain and began to help him throw the legos on the floor. Doug just sighed as he opened the door as he heard a loud crash and he knew that if one of those annoying brats got hurt on his watch Evie would get mad and he didn't need that.

                As soon as Doug entered the room he was immediately met by toys getting thrown at him. "Okay who threw that!" Doug screamed out and the kids all put on innocent looks. "Who threw what," Mal asked innocently and the kids all joined in. "Yeah nobody threw anything we are just playing with legos," Sebastian told Doug and while Doug was distracted by the two kids playing legos Olivia threw another toy at his head making the kids all hold in laughs.

               "Ow! Okay someone threw that!" Doug screamed out as he moved over towards where the kids were playing and as soon as he did that he screamed in pain as he looked down to see a whole bunch of legos all over the floor.

                  "Okay! Who put these legos here!" Doug screamed out and Sebastian just started fake crying as he looked at Doug. "You ruined my legos! I worked hard on those!" The young five year old screamed out as he continued to fake cry.

                    "You are a meanie! We took forever making that and now it's broken! I'm gonna tell mommy!" The small girl screamed out as she too began to fake cry. "No! Mal you can't tell your mommy about this," Doug screamed out, but as soon as he tried to stop her from crying he felt another hit to the head.

                       Doug just turned to look at Olivia who was still giving him an innocent look while she pretended to color. And when Doug turned away Sebastian grabbed his nerf guns as he began to hit Doug with the nerf gun bullets and quickly dropped it as Doug turned back around.

                        "Okay you three are such monsters! Wait I only see two! Where did that third monster go!" Doug screamed out, but he got his answer when there was another loud crash in the kitchen making the two kids smirk and high five as their plan was working, but they quickly put on innocent and concerned faces as they followed after Doug into the kitchen where they were met with a huge mess and Mal was fake crying again as she was sitting in the kitchen surrounded by a huge mess.

                           "What happened here!" Doug screamed out and Mal just looked up at him with an innocent look. "I didn't mean to! I was just trying to reach the strawberries I promise! Please don't be mad!" Mal fake cried out making Doug get frustrated as he could see the kids were doing this on purpose.

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