A Dangerous Adventure Part 7

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    Everyone began to panic when they realized what they got themselves into, but Evie wasn't worried at all as she didn't believe her mom. "What do we do! We are completely outnumbered! Carlos cried out in fear making Evie roll her eyes.

"No we're not!" Evie told Carlos and the others making Lola look at Evie in confusion. "Okay I may not be very good at math but even I can tell we're definitely out numbered right now!" Lola told Evie who rolled her eyes again.

"We're not trust me! Mom's bluffing!" Evie told the others making The Evil Queen angry as Evie didn't believe her. "Oh really!" The Evil Queen asked Evie in a challenging voice making Evie nod. "Yeah! I don't believe you!" Evie told her mother, making her mom smirk.

"Okay fine! Still think I'm bluffing!" The Evil Queen told Evie as she signaled for Jafar, Cruella, Lady Tremaine, Captain Hook, Gaston, and Ursula to come out from their hiding spots.

"You may not be bluffing but you're still outnumbered!" Evie told her mom refusing to give into her mother. "How can you say that!" The Evil Queen told Evie in disbelief making her shrug.

"Because it's true! We have 8 and you have 7! Evie told her mom, still refusing to give in. The Evil Queen just rolled her eyes as she couldn't believe how stubborn Evie was as she really thought she had a chance.

"Oh please you barely outnumbered us and we're adults and more powerful! The Evil Queen told Evie making her roll her eyes. "That may be true but we're younger and we have more endurance!" Evie told her mother, making her mom laugh as she still couldn't believe Evie wanted to do this.

"Oh please you're children!" The Evil Queen told Evie and the others making Evie annoyed as she was not a child. She was an adult. "We are not children!" Evie screamed out making the others join in.

"Yeah we're adults!" All of them screamed out making The Evil Queen laugh. "Oh please! You really think you're all grown ups! You're still teenagers!" The Evil Queen told them all with her venomous tone making Lola roll her eyes.

"Okay we are adults not kids! We're 19! Last time I checked, that's an adult!" Lola told her mom with an attitude as she was sick of The Evil Queen. The Evil Queen just started cackling as she looked at them all.

"Exactly nineTEEN!" The Evil Queen told the group making sure to exaggerate the words teen at the end of nineteen. "Well you're still out numbered and our age doesn't matter!" Evie told her mom, still refusing to admit defeat.

"LET'S JUST STOP THIS ANNOYING SMALL TALK AND GET TO THE FUN! The Evil Queen screamed out finally having enough of the stupid arguments when she just wanted to fight them and take back what she stole.

"HAD ENOUGH YET!" The Evil Queen cackled out after a few minutes of them all fighting as everyone on Evie's side was covered in injuries as the villains were too powerful for them all.

"NO! WE WILL NEVER LET YOU WIN!" Evie cried out as she still refused to give in despite being covered in injuries and pain and she knew the others were too, but she wasn't giving up. She was not going to let her mom have the victory again.

"Face it! You're never going to win! We are too powerful!" The Evil Queen told Evie making Jay look at Evie. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew it was true. "Evie she's right!" Jay told his friend, making her shake her head no.

"NO SHE'S NOT! I REFUSE TO GIVE IN!" Evie screamed out making The Evil Queen laugh as she couldn't believe Evie still wouldn't give in. "YOU ALREADY LOST JUST SURRENDER ALREADY!" The Evil Queen told Evie in frustration, but Evie shook her head again.

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