Who Knows Mal Better? Part 1

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Author's Note: This is a random two shot that I came up with when bored. Also for those that have or haven't seen my YouTube videos I have a video called Evie's Struggles where Mal was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and this takes place after that incase you're confused. And thank you to annewheelerfab1 for letting me mention your OC Pumpkin in this story and you should really check out her stories if you haven't already they're amazing. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you all thought.

   "Yes princess, for the last time the kid is fine! Yes I checked her blood sugar, it's normal. Her pump is working just fine. I know what I'm doing princess!" Uma practically screamed out in frustration as she couldn't take it anymore.

    Evie wouldn't stop calling every five minutes. Evie had finally given in and let her babysit again, but not without calling constantly to check in.

    It was driving Uma insane. "Is that mommy again," Mal asked Uma from her spot on the couch as the small girl was just watching Dragon Tales again while drinking a soda and eating some candy.

    Uma just rolled her eyes as she handed the phone to Mal again. "Yes, now talk to her so she knows you're okay again," Uma told the preschool in frustration as she just wanted to relax and spend some time with her niece, but she couldn't do that with Evie calling every five minutes to check in.

     Mal just smiled as she took the phone from Uma and answered it. "Hi mommy! Yes I'm otay mommy! I'm watching Dragon Tales again! No mommy she's not giving me sugar I pomise! Ooh mommy it's the best part I gotta go now! Bye mommy! Love you!" The small girl rambled out to Evie over the phone before hanging up and then giving the phone back to Uma.

     "You know Tiny Tot I love her, but she's insane," Uma told the small girl, making her giggle a little. "You're silly Auntie Uma," the small girl told Uma, making her smile a little as she couldn't help herself.

      Uma had missed seeing the small girl. She used to see Mal every day before the babysitting incident that had completely changed everything not just with her and Evie but in general as that was the same day Evie found out she was a quint.

      Uma would never admit it out loud but she couldn't stand Evie's sisters. They had come in and stolen everything from her. Evie used to hang out with her every day and despite how much they fought and disagreed they were best friends.

      Uma loved Evie and even though Evie would claim she didn't she loved Uma too. They were practically inseparable and they had the perfect little family going with them and Mal, but that all changed the day she found out she was a quint.

      Those Evie clones had come in and taken Evie and Mal from her. And not just that, but Mal had found another cool aunt that Uma couldn't compete with. How could she compete with someone that looked like Evie, but acted cool like her.

      Mal's favorite person in the world was Evie. Now combine that with Uma's cool attitude and that is the dream person for Mal. Uma just can't compete with that. 

    Uma just didn't get it. Lola aka Mal's new favorite aunt apparently messed up all the time yet instead of getting banned from babysitting she was basically Mal's full time babysitter just because she was blood related.

     Uma was brought out of her thoughts when there was a knock at the door making the small girl jump up as she immediately ran to the door as Mal loved answering the door.

      "Yay! I wanna answer it!" Mal screamed out as she ran over to the door and tried to open it, making Uma smirk and roll her eyes as she looked at the little adorable girl.

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