Daddy Issues

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    "Oh and then me and daddy went to the zoo! It was so much fun! I couldn't see the animals very well so he picked me up and put me on his shoulders! It was so cool! I was on top of the world!" Olivia squealed out excitedly as she began to talk about how much fun she had on her daddy daughter day yesterday. Mal just nodded along even though she was starting to feel upset.

Mal didn't get why that was. Mal always loved hearing about her friend's adventures, but for some reason hearing how much fun Olivia had with her daddy was making her want to cry. She never had a daddy before and she was okay with that. She had her mommy and all her aunties and uncles. She didn't need a daddy, but why was she feeling this way?

Before Mal could realize what was happening she just burst into tears making her friend quickly stop telling her story as she ran over to the younger girl. "Mal what's wrong! You love hearing about my adventures. Are you okay," the seven year old asked her friend in concern.

Mal was about to nod her head yes until the door opened as Olivia's daddy had just gotten back from work. "Guess who got home early!" Olivia's dad called out, making the young girl release her hold on Mal as she quickly ran over to her dad excitedly and hugged onto him.

"Yay! Daddy you're home!" Olivia exclaimed excitedly as she became distracted by her dad leaving Mal to just watch sadly as the upset feeling returned again in fact it got stronger as a realization hit the small girl. She wanted this. She wanted a daddy.

Olivia continued to be distracted with her dad until the preschooler couldn't hold back anymore as she started bawling her eyes out. "Mal are you okay," the older girl asked her friend again once she let go of her dad and saw her younger friend bawling.

"I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I wanna go home!" The young girl cried out as she didn't like watching Olivia with her daddy. It was hurting and making her feel worse. She just wanted to go back home and be with her mommy and aunties.

"But Mal you're opposed to sleepover tonight," the seven year old told her friend who just shook her head no as she continued to just sob and beg and to go home. "Okay I'll go tell mommy and daddy," Olivia told her friend as she quickly ran off to get her parents who both came running in to see the sobbing little girl curled up on the floor as they immediately bent down to be at her eye level.

"Aw Mal sweetie what's wrong? Olivia said you're upset," Olivia's mom told the small girl who just kept crying as she looked at her friend's mommy it wasn't helping seeing how happy everything was with a completed family it was hurting more.

"I wanna go home! And I no feel good!" Mal cried out as she threw up, making her cry more. "Aw sweetie, it's okay. Come on let's get you cleaned up and call your mommy," Olivia's mom told the young preschooler as she carefully helped her up and helped clean her up and change out of her throw up covered clothes.

Once Mal was cleaned up the older girl's mom wrapped her up in a blanket because she was shaking as she then helped her lay down on the couch and grabbed her phone to call Evie. Evie picked up right away to her relief.

"What's going on! Is Mal okay!" Evie panicked out as soon as she saw her phone was ringing due to Olivia's mom who was keeping Mal over for a sleepover. "Evie relax, remember to take deep breaths. And yes she's fine, but she is feeling a little sick and begging to go home. And she did throw up. Don't worry I cleaned it up and her clothes are clean too. I know how much you love that outfit," Olivia's mom told Evie over the phone.

"Okay thank you so much for that and thanks for letting me know. I'm on my way now," Evie told the older mom as she quickly hung up then looked at Ben. "Is everything okay," Ben asked his friend as Evie had been over at the castle helping him out with some paperwork.

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