Happy Birthday Mommy!

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Author's Note: I was planning to have this posted yesterday because that's when Sofia's birthday was, but it wasn't finished by then, so I know this is a day late but I tried my best. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you all thought.

"Should we be doing this," Carlos nervously asked the others as he watched Uma carefully pick up the sleeping toddler from her crib as she handed her over to Jay while Evie was still sound asleep.

"Carlos we're not doing anything bad," Jay told his younger brother who eyed the sleeping blue haired teen as he just knew Evie was going to have a heart attack in the morning when she woke up and Mal was gone.

"Yes we are! She's gonna flip out," Carlos practically screamed out, but Uma covered his mouth stopping him from exposing them. "We need to make her think Mal is missing so she spends time looking around for her and it will give us the perfect amount of time to set up her surprise party. You already know the deal! Stop freaking out now," Uma told Carlos, making him calm down as he knew Uma was right.

"I can't believe my little sister is 17 today. It feels like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time back on the Isle. We were just a small group of suffering children just trying to survive and now look at us. We're in Auradon living the dream and Evie is one year away from adulthood. Wow where did the time go," Jay told the others who were all trying to act like they found Jay's speech sappy, but they actually liked it and agreed.

They would never admit that though because that's admitting how soft they are and they would never do that. "Alright softie save the sap! Just take the kid and get out of here before she wakes up," Uma quickly told Jay and the others who just nodded as they quickly grabbed a few of Mal's stuff they would need and then they left leaving just Uma and Evie in the dorm.

Uma was immediately woken up a few hours later from Evie's screaming of pure panic and terror when Evie had woken up to check on Mal after not hearing her and saw that the crib was completely empty and Mal's dragon was gone too.

"NOOO! NOOO! NOOO! NO! MAL! MAL COME ON WHERE ARE YOU! MAL PLEASE! UMA WAKE UP NOW!" Evie screamed out in panic as she looked everywhere and couldn't find her precious baby anywhere.

Uma just smirked a little knowing the plan was working before she quickly snapped out of it and put on a concerned look. "Ugh princess what's going on," Uma asked Evie who was on the verge of a complete breakdown as just grabbed Uma by her shirt.

"WHERE IS MY BABY! UMA I KNOW YOU THINK THIS FUNNY BUT IT'S NOT! WHERE IS MY BABY!" Evie cried out as couldn't take it. Uma always found it funny to hide Mal from her and make her think she lost her, but normally Evie was able to find Mal right away.

This time was different because she couldn't find Mal anywhere. Uma just watched Evie completely spiral as she knew it was wrong to do this to her, but they needed a distraction and Mal being missing would be the only thing to keep her super distracted and preoccupied.

"WHAT MAL'S MISSING!" Uma screamed out in her best worried voice making Evie look at her in shock as Uma clearly didn't know Mal had been gone either which meant this wasn't a stupid prank that Uma was trying to pull.

"YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS EITHER!" Evie screamed out in panic again and Uma just silently cursed herself for getting herself into this, but it was too late now. "NO WHY WOULD I KNOW WHERE SHE IS! I THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER CRIB!" Uma told Evie as she continued to just go along with the plan, making Evie start panicking more as she fell to the floor and started sobbing.

"Hey princess it's okay. This isn't the first time she's gotten out we just have to go look for her! I'm sure she couldn't have gotten far. I mean she's tiny," Uma told Evie as she was starting to feel really bad for doing this to her friend even though the end result would be something Evie was going to love.

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