Who Knows Mal Better? Final Part

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"Uh oh she's coming quickly Strawberry pretend to sleep!" Mal told her toys as she heard Evie come into her room making the small girl quickly drop her toys as she pretended to sleep.

     Evie just laughed as she looked at the preschooler who she knew wasn't actually sleeping as Mal always tried to do this.

    "Mal sweetie I know you're awake and besides it's meter time anyway," Evie told the young girl whose eyes widened when she saw the meter in Evie's hands as she immediately threw the covers off and took off running. 

     "No! No! No!" The young girl cried out as she took off running, making Evie groan as she quickly got up and followed after the little girl. "Gotcha!" Evie called out as she managed to catch up with the preschooler and pick her up.

     "No mommy let go! I no want that!" Mal cried out making Evie sigh as she hated this, but unfortunately it was part of Mal's life now. "I know sweetie but you need to. Oh but guess what instead of going back to sleep you are going to be the host again for another round of who knows Mal Better," Evie playfully told the little girl making Mal smile.

      "Really yay! I love being the host! It's so much fun!" Mal cried out excitedly giving Evie the perfect opportunity to prick her finger. As soon as Mal felt the pricker go into her finger she immediately stopped her excited talking as she started sobbing.

     "Aw Mal it's okay. I'm so sorry sweetie, but I had to my little apple. It's okay. But you're a little low, you know what that means?" Evie told the small girl trying to calm her down, making Mal stop crying as she smiled a little seeing Evie pull out one of her ring pops.

      "Yay ring pop! And yay I get a Frozen bandaid!" The young girl squealed out making Evie laugh as she placed the bandaid on Mal's tiny finger and opened the ring pop.

        "Yeah you do, are you all better now?" Evie asked Mal who giggled and nodded as she grabbed her toy microphone. "Let's do this!" Mal screamed out excitedly as she took off running to the living room and met up with the others.

        "Oh look, the host is finally here," Lola playfully told the others, making Mal giggle as she went to her spot. "Yeah sowy I'm late. I had a issue it's otay now. Alright everyone welcome back to game 2 of Who Knows me better! I'm Mal Queen and I'm dis many! I the host welcome! Today we have mommy vs Aunties to find out who knows me bestest!" The preschool called out through her toy microphone in her best announcer voice.

       Making the others all laugh as they couldn't help it with how adorable the little girl was being. "Alright you ready!" Mal asked the others who just laughed as they agreed.

       "Yup but you don't want to quit now? This is going to be torture for you 4," Evie told the others making them roll their eyes. "Yeah we're sure and it won't. Now Mal go ahead and start," the others told the little girl who smiled as she got her microphone again.

       "Otay we start easy! Question 1! What do I like mostest purple or dragons!" Mal asked making Evie and Lola both quickly slam their hand down.

        "Um that was too hard to tell! Mommy and Auntie Lola do Rock Paper Scissors," Mal told the two, making them laugh as they knew it was a competition but hearing the little girl sound serious about rock, paper, scissors they just couldn't keep a straight face.

       "Okay um rock, paper, scissors!" Evie and Lola both said at the same time causing the others to laugh as well at how funny they found it. "Otay Auntie Lola wins cause rock breaks scissors sowy mommy! Team aunties what do I like more purple or dragons!" Mal asked the others who smirked.

         "Easy dragons!" Ava told the others who nodded, making Evie start laughing at how ridiculous she found that answer to be. "Ha! You really think dragons are her favorite over purple!" Evie told the others.

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