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Cheryls POV

This is my first time seeing Toni since we divorced almost 3 years ago. Our daughter is 5 and had questions so I reached out.

She didn't abandon us, life just got in the way and Cierra was safer with me.

C is with Betty for now, I just wanna talk to Toni and see where her heads at.

"It's nice to see you again Red," she says sitting across from me

"How have you been?"

"Up and down," she shrugs "I just stepped down from the gang,"

"What line of work?"

"Social work and poverty relief,"

"Good for you,"

"Still in law?"

"Politics actually, running for mayor in Riverdale,"

"Good for you," she says before ordering the same drink she always did before "anything for you c?"

"I'll get a water with lemon please,"

The waitress leaves and Toni sighs

"Why did you wanna see me Cheryl? We made it pretty clear that this is dangerous,"

"Cierra is asking questions," I sigh "and I don't have the answers that she needs,"


"She wants to know if you're ever coming back to see her, if you love her, if it's her fault, and why you left. I tell her my side but she doesn't believe me all the time Toni and I think she'd really like to see you,"

"I am in the process of getting a new identity and when that's done I'll move back to Riverdale. Of course I love her. It's not her fault. I left to protect both of you, and filed for divorce so they would never find the two of you,"

"I know that," I sigh "you find someone else?"

"No, we have a baby together Cheryl and even if I can't be with you- I'm not finding someone unless they're good enough for her. What about you?"

"Nothing of note, tried online dating at Betty's request, but never worked out. Like you said we have a baby,"

There's a small silence and she looks at her hands

"May I see a picture of her?" She asks "I know she must be so different now,"

I bring up my most recent picture of her and she smiles

"Wow, she's.. beautiful Cher," she says "still has your smile, my eyes,"

"She still has your laugh too," I say with a small smile

"I missed her. Both of you, so much,"

"Would you want to come over for brunch tomorrow?" I ask "to see her?"

"Um... sure," she agrees "are you mad at me?"

"For leaving?"

"Yeah, Yknow I send money whenever I can- but times are tough,"

"I am not mad Toni,"


"I knew you weren't doing well financially, I wasn't worried. That's why I sent some back, I get why you left and Cierra and I are safe now,"

"Yeah that's all I wanted,"

"Well I'll see you tomorrow?"

"For sure,"

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