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In this one shot series, JUGHEAD killed jason- not Clifford. But he did it for Clifford so everything else happened.
Toni's POV
I'm scared for Cheryl.
We've been dating for about a week now and she's amazing but Jughead is stalking us and I'm worried for her.
I knew I should've left him the first time it happened and I tried to but he said he would take away my serpent jacket, my identity and put me as bi. I wasn't ready for that, I didn't even know how he knew. But I wasn't into him, it was supposed to be casual hookups.
"Hey baby," Cher says kissing my cheek and sitting next to me in the caf "whatcha thinking about?"
"Don't think about that asshole," she says "you're safe,"
"I don't really care if I'm safe, I want you to be safe," I say
She sighs
"Well, I'm fine because my badass girlfriend will protect me,"
I smile and peck her lips.
"Your badass girlfriend might be less badass tonight. I think Jughead is kicking me out of the serpents," I sigh
"Why would you think that ma cherie?" She asks
"He called an emergency meeting and said it would be quick," I sigh "plus his dad is out of town so he can just tell FP I left on my own accord,"
"Well I'll come and make sure nothing happens," she says
I hum, there's no use telling her not to, she'll come anyways.
We eat and Sweetpea and Fangs sit with us.
"T are you coming tonight?"
"Unfortunately I feel as if this is my meeting," I sigh
"What?" Pea asks
"Jughead said if I broke up with him he'd kick me out and a week later he calls a surprise meeting and invites me personally? I think I better find a new place to live after Ted hears about this,"

We get to the serpent meeting and I talk while Cheryl is squeezing my hand the entire time to calm me down.
"This meeting!" Jughead yells "isn't of celebratory fashion,"
Everyone goes silent and looks at him on the top of an old truck
"We're saying goodbye to one of our own today, Toni Topaz," he says looking at me "Toni has broken multiple laws including one of the famous 5 and has defamed her family name in the serpents,"
A tear falls down my cheek
"What laws has she broken?" Cheryl yells back
"This is a serpent only meeting," he says "you have to leave,"
"I wanna know too," an elder serpent says "I've known Toni since she was small, she's been a serpent since she was 7 years old,"
"Fine, if you must know. Toni has bad character, showed cowardice, has life choices that although legal in the USA, are prohibited as a serpent, she shed her skin to join the north side willingly and she betrayed her own,"
"In what ways? And what is legal in the USA that is illegal for a serpent? I mean you guys don't even follow the laws!" Cheryl says
"And I've never known Topaz to be a coward, her father would skin her alive," the elder says
"And we all had to shed our skin at school, so we wouldn't get suspended," Pea jumps in
"She never betrayed any of us," Fangs says
"She betrayed me. She broke up with me for that red headed whore beside her, started dating before she broke up with me,"
"No we started dating after I broke up with you, not that it matters you cheated on me with Lodge, Cooper, McCoy, the list goes on jones," I spit "and I wasn't going to do this, I was going to keep it in the past but it's not going to hurt me now,"
He gets off the truck and goes chest to chest with me.
"What are you talking about Topaz?"
I turn away and face everyone.
"Everyone want to know how I showed cowardice? Well, it's the same way I got this black eye, and the scars on my face. During our year long relationship that I was forced into, Jughead abused me. And when I tried to leave, he said he would strip me of my jacket and out me because he knew I didn't like him but I liked my best friend. I'm bisexual. But I always have been, and you've all known me since I was small and it doesn't change who I am, or who I was to you. If you all want to kick me out because I have a girlfriend I guess I didn't know you guys as well as I thought. I also stayed in the relationship because on a nightly basis he would threaten the person I wanted to be with, he said like her brother no one would miss her and it would be easy. He made my cover the bruises, burn marks and cuts he gave me when he was drunk high, angry or all of the above,"
"Toni, she's using you, and she's going to screw us over. Then what are you going to do? Die? That's the only option you will have and I'm not subjecting my gang to that,"
I roll my sleeve up to reveal my scar.
"I already tried that remember?" I spit "the only fucking reason I'm alive is Cheryl. Or do you forget telling me to fucking kill myself if I couldn't take it. When I tried to break up with you for the 3rd time and you said you were going to kill Cheryl. The only thing that would get me out of that hell was death. So I tried to kill myself and Cheryl saved me,"
"Toni why did none of us know?" Pea asks looking around
"Because Jughead said it was disappointing and that you would all hate me," I say looking at my hands
"Toni this is all well and good, this is touching but remember what I also "made" you do? You gave me sole control over who's in and who's out, drop your jacket and go," he spits
"Fine, I don't want to be part of something like this anyways. This was always a place where I thought I could be myself and now that I can't- I don't want to wear a jacket of the people who hate me," I say taking off my jacket "my trailer will be gone by Monday, and you guys never have to see me again,"
I drop my jacket and start walking away.
"If you're kicking Toni out for being bisexual, then I'm leaving too," Fangs says "no use getting kicked out for being bi,"
He drops his jacket and follows me.
"I'm bi too," Sweetpea says dropping his
Cheryl kisses my cheek and walks towards Jughead and onto the truck behind him.
"I know leaving means you need to leave your land and your jacket, I can't do anything about the jackets but I have 100 acres of unused land that anyone wanting to leave can live if they want to. I know I'm a Blossom, I know what that means, trust me I hate myself too. But I like Toni, I've liked her for a long freakin time and I also know how much you all meant to her. I'm not saying you should leave. I'm saying you can if you want to, If it's for the work at the wyrm you're saying I'm best friends with Veronica Lodge who needs security at Pops and I need help on the maple farm. I can help, you don't have to like me or trust me, I'm doing this for Toni," she says looking at me "you all know where Thistlehouse is, come by anytime,"
"Anyone who leaves right now, will never be welcomed back as a serpent," Jughead says "your jacket will be burned and your legacy tarnished,"
"I just had a little girl Jones, what happens to her if she comes out as a lesbian,"
Jughead stutters
"I'm going with Topaz then,"
One by one serpents start dropping their jackets in a pile and stand with us.
"Have fun explaining this to your dad," I say helping Cheryl off the truck
This isn't over
But it's a start.

Part 3 coming soon (unless none of you want it)

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