Glow Up 1

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Cheryl's POV
"Oh my god? Who's that hottie?" Veronica asks nodding towards a girl
It's the first day of school and she's trying to determine who glowed up and who glowed down.
I glance over at the girl she's talking about
"That's Toni Topaz," I say turning back to my locker "the serpent,"
In reality she's actually my girlfriend, but no one knows that because I'm not ready to come out
"The Toni Topaz? The one you hung with all summer?"
"Ya why?" I ask "she needed some tutoring last year and we just kept going into summer,"
Toni never needed tutoring, she's one of the smartest people I know- we had detention together one day and started hanging out after that.
"Lodge, staring problem much?" Toni yells
Everyone has a staring problem when it comes to her now. Her ass is perfect , she moved up two cup sizes over the summer, she started working out and got absolutely ripped, and she's a bad girl- all she wears is leather and crop tops.
She's perfect.
"Oh Topaz look who grew up over the summer," Lodge says checking her out
Toni smirks and rolls her eyes
"Get lost Lodge," she says
Ronnie laughs and Toni closes her locker
"Hey Cher,"
"Oh hey b.. Toni,"
"You look cute today," she says "walk me to class?"
I close my locker and we walk towards her first class since I have a spare.
She pulls me into the bathroom and checks the stalls to make sure they're empty.
"Good morning babygirl," she says grabbing my hips "sorry I couldn't pick you up this morning, my bike was stolen,"
"Oh Tones it's alright, I'm so sorry,"
"We'll finds it," she shrugs "I missed you last night though,"
"I know I had to get stuff ready, but really Tones just come over anytime it gets so lonely now that Nana is never home,"
"Can I come over after school?"
"Would you?"
"I'm sorry we have to keep this quiet- I know it's not fair to you," I sigh "not much longer, I promise,"
"Baby it's alright. I don't care at all, you go on your timeline. I'll be here, I promise you," she says "but do you want me to tell people I'm in a relationship or that I'm single, because people are asking,"
"I know, Veronica asked me this morning,"
"If you were single?"
"No if you were single,"
"Whatever you're more comfortable with,"
"I was saying single just so people don't try and find out,"
"Quick thinker Topaz," I laugh
She kisses me and then trails kisses down my neck
"I love you princess,"
"I love you too TT,"
I walk her the rest of the way to class and then go to the lounge to meet up with Kevin and Ronnie.
"Just the girl we were talking about," Kevin says
I hug him and sit beside him
"Why are you talking about me?" I ask
"Because Toni Topaz said you're cute today," Veronica says "and she's literally the hottest girl other than us,"
"Too bad I'm straight Veronica. Toni and I are just friends,"
"Then why'd it take half an hour to do a five minute walk?"
"Someone stole her bike and she asked for a ride home, and then we made plans to study," I lie
"Oh so is she coming over to your house tonight?"
"That was the plan- yes, what's your problem V,"
"I'm coming too,"
"To study chem? You don't even take chem,"
"To see you two interact, because Toni definitely has a crush on you. I heard she pulls like 95's why does she even need a tutor?"
"She's getting better, but she doesn't understand the information when teachers try and do it on the board. Plus she sits at the back of the class and does no work,"
"I bet you're lying," she teases
I get a call from Toni
"Case and point- she's in class right now," I say showing Ronnie the caller id
"Cher, you have spare now right?"
"Ya why?"
"I need ice, can you bring it out to the bleachers?"
"What did you do?"
"I'll explain when you get out here- please cheryl?"
"Sure Toni," I sigh "I'll be right there,"
I hang up and shake my head.
"I think she got in a fight, are you two coming?"
They nod and I grab an ice pack from a first aid pack that's in my locker (I've been carrying it all summer since my girlfriend is an idiot) and we go outside.
"Oh you brought Veronica and Kevin, hey guys," she says
"What happened?" I ask looking at her eye
"Reggie Mantle asked me out and I said no," she sniffs taking the ice pack "and then Fangs punched me in the face and called me a dyke,"
"I thought Fangs was your friend,"
"He and sweets used to be my friends," she sighs "now they aren't,"
I don't really know what happened there but she was really upset for days after they stopped talking.
I take a look at her eye and Kevin and Ronnie sit down.
"It's fine Toni, not your worst one," I say pressing on her temple to make sure there are no broken bones "stop looking at me Topaz, it makes you look thirsty,"
She laughs and I shake my head
"Go back to class please,"
"Class is boring," she says
"Go learn,"
"Walk me?"
I walk her back to class
"You still good to study after school," she asks
"Ya Ronnie's coming too,"
"Oh," she says disappointed "I'll see you around Blossom,"

"Why does she have to come?" Toni asks getting into my car
"Because she thinks you have a crush on me," I sigh
"But I had to pretend I didn't like you all day, now I have to pretend to be dumb for two hours?" She says "I dont like it,"
"I don't like it either," I sigh "I'm sorry babe,"
"It's alright Cher," she says
We study for a half an hour with Ronnie until she gets bored and leaves.
"Finally," Toni says as we go up to my room
"I'm so sorry,"
"It's alright babygirl, I just haven't gone that long without kissing you in a long time,"
I kiss her and smile against her lips
"So many people have a crush on you now," I sigh as I lay on my bed and bury my head in my sheets.
She crawls on top of me, straddles my waist and starts massaging my high back.
"I'm all yours baby," she says
"I love you,"
"I love you too Princess," she says
"I'm sorry you got punched,"
"I'll be okay, my hot girlfriend likes to fix me up,"
I giggle and she rolls off of me and kisses me
"I think I'm going to come out soon,"
"Don't do it for me babes, I'm good the way it is until you're ready,"
"Okay," I smile "I love you,"
"I love you too,"

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