Slow Burn

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Cheryl's POV
Toni fucking Topaz
The hottest girl in school (other than me of course).
But she's a bad girl.
And that's just not my type.
She walks with too much swagger, and talks like she owns the conversation. Always in leather, always chewing gum.
She's the worst.
"Cheryl stop staring at the serpent, you'll turn to stone," Veronica says nudging my arm
"Just wondering what she's still doing in school, most like her drop out by now," I sigh
"Apparently she's some sort of genius or some shit," Ronnie says "Weatherbee said she's second in our class,"
"Well I'm first," I say closing my locker "and she isn't going to beat me,"
Toni walks past us and obviously check me out.
"Looking good Blossom," she winks
I blush and try to hide it with a scowl
"Oh babygirl don't try and hide that pretty little smile," she teases
She winks and heads off
I go through the rest of the day with Toni giving me looks and flirting
I like her
I really do
But she's way to much of a bitch
And that's ME saying that.
I go home and my mom's being mean so I decide to walk around
Midnight is calming for me, especially around Pops.
The regular hustle bustle just isn't there.
I walk in expecting 0 people
But see one specific Pink haired serpent.
"I thought serpents didn't show there face on this side of the tracks after sundown,"
"Leave me alone Blossom. Can't you torture someone else for a night?"
I sit down across from her and sigh
"Wanna talk about it?"
She shakes her head
"Well I'm here because my mothers homophobic, and she hates my guts. She's always yelling and swearing at me,"
She shakes her head
"Why have kids if you're just going to hate them?" She says chuckling
She looks up and I see she has a black eye
"Oh my gosh Toni what the hell happened to you?"
"Nothing that hasn't happened before," she says casually "just not in the mood Blossom, Leave me be,"
"Not going to happen toni, that looks bad,"
"It's not the worst, he was only drunk this time,"
"My dad," She says "the only reason I'm in the serpents is for a place to stay when he goes off on a tangent,"
"Why aren't you there then?"
"Can't go to the wyrme looking like this and Pea works until 2,"
"Come home with me," I say
"Didn't you just say you mother hates gay people? Inviting me to your house wouldn't help the case,"
"She's sleeping by now and I have a lock on my door so she can't get in," I say "come on Toni, you need sleep,"
She nods and drives me home on her motorcycle.
"I thought you would've been scared of the bike,"
I shake my head and shrug
"You made it easier anyways,"
She laughs and I lead her to my room, set her up with clothes and we go to sleep

Many months later and Toni and I have done that multiple times.
But we ignore each other at school.
More pleasant than before though
"Blossom, looking hot," she says winking at me
"Thanks Toni," I blush
"Wanna sit next to me in math class?"
"Sure, I'll be in in a second,"
She winks and walks into class
"Why are you two suddenly so good?" Ronnie asks
"Because I know things and so does she,"
"What type of things?"
I shrug and walk in to sit beside her in math class.
"Hey Blossom, I was wondering what it's going to take to get you on a date?" She asks
"Well asking would be your first step," I joke
"Really? I've been trying to hint at you for 3 months and all I had to do with asks,"
"Weird, I've been trying hint at you for 5 months,"
She smirks and looks at me.
"Cheryl Blossom, will you go on a date with me?"
"Depends," I say
"On what?"
"When and where?"
"Drive in, ill pick you up at 8,"
"We're going to the drive in on a motorcycle,"
"No, we're going to the drive in, in Sweetpea's truck,"
"Yes," I say "I will go out with you,"
She winks and turns back to her math work.
"You did that wrong blossom," she says pointing at one of my problems
She shows me hers
"Don't wanna mess up the perfect GPA," she winks
I thank her and go back to my work
Maybe she's not too bad after all.
We go the rest of the day and then I go home to get ready.
She texts me that she's here and I run down the stairs
She leans against the hood of the truck and laughs
"Toni don't laugh you said to dress comfortably," I say embarrassed
"No no Cher, you're hot," she says "I was laughing because you still have makeup on. We're going to the drive in,"
"I know and I look like shit without makeup,"
"Do I look like shit?" She asks
"No, but you're wearing makeup,"
"Am not," she says "maybe a little mascara I missed- but I don't have anything else,"
Holy shit- she's actually fucking perfect
"O-oh," I say
She grabs makeup wipes from her bag
"Come here," She says
I roll my eyes and let her take my makeup off
"Holy fuck," she says
"Toni stop it," I say annoyed at her teasing
"No Cher, you're more beautiful than I thought you were,"
"You're a flirt,"
"I don't lie though," she winks
We get in and she drives to the drive in. We get a pretty good spot and I buy food as she sets the trunk up.
"Hey cher, What are you doing here?" Kevin asks
Shit I forgot he worked here.
"I'm on a date actually," I say blushing
"Ooooo with who?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow,"
"Good idea, can't pass out on the job," he jokes "is it going well?"
"I would say so," I say "I'm interested to see how the night goes,"
I get our stuff and go back
"Cher, I was going to get snacks,"
"I didn't mind Toni," I laugh
The movie starts and we sit down in the back
I get cold and turn to see her looking at me
"Show's up there Topaz,"
She giggles and nods
"Just like this view better Blossom,"
"I'm cold, May I cuddle with you?" I ask
"I was just about to suggest that," she says opening her blanket up "come here,"
I cuddle into her and she starts rubbing my arm.
"Am I Okay?" She asks
I nod and go back to watching the movie.
The movie ends and I sit up.
"Wanna stay for the second one?" I ask
"You up for that blossom?" She smirks "we have school tomorrow,"
"I might fall asleep on you, but I don't wanna go home,"
"Okay cutie," she says "mind if I stretch?"
I get up and help her down.
"Hey blossom, I have a question," she says
She grabs my hands and looks into my eyes.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She asks
"I would love to," I smile
She smiles and moves her hands to my hip.
"Toni.." I start
"Can I kiss you?"
She nods and softly kisses me.
She's a lot more gentle than I thought she'd be.
"So you still up for the second film?" She asks
I nod and she helps me onto the tailgate.
"Can I lay on you again?" I ask
"Of course baby," she says readjusting herself
I cuddle into her side and she puts her arm around my back and puts the other one on my thigh
"Are my hands okay?" She asks
"They're Fine Tones,"
We watch the movie and she drops me off at home
"Want me to drive you to school?" I ask "even out the gas,"
"Sure Cher, I'll text you my address,"
I nod and kiss her cheek
"I'll see you in the morning,"
"No makeup?" She asks
I roll my eyes and shake my head
"Absolutely not,"
She buckled her helmet back on and drives away

How the hell did I end up here?

"Cher I just need to talk to Pea and Fangs, I'll meet you at you locker," she says
"Do you want people knowing about us?" I ask
"If you are ready, then I'm done with it,"
"I'm fine with it,"
"Okay, see ya in a few cutie,"
She kisses my temple and walks over to the boys
I go to my locker and open it.
"Cheryl tell us everything about your date!" Kevin squeals "how were they?"
"Surprising to say the least, but I have a girlfriend now," I squeal
Kevin and Ronnie cheer and I laugh
"She's amazing," I say
"Does she go to this school?" Ronnie asks
"Mhm I drove her here this morning,"
"Chill Kevin I didn't sleep with her I picked her up this morning since she drove last night,"
"You're being nice to someone? Man you must be whipped," Ronnie says
I laugh and they go to their lockers a few down from me.
I lean against my locker and toni walks towards me.
She grabs my one hip with the hand not holding her helmet in and kisses me.
My hands go to the side of her face and I smile against her lips.
"Hey baby,"
"Hey Tones," I says with a giggle
She must notice Veronica and Kevin walking over throwing daggers with their eyes
"Am I going to get yelled at?"
"No I won't let them,"
"Antoinette Topaz," Veronica says sternly "What the hell?"
"Good morning Veronica, please stop using my full name- I hate it," Toni says nicely
"Cheryl- Care to explain?"
"Toni and I have been hanging out over the past few months when our parents kick us out and she asked me out yesterday," I say smiling at her
"Cheryl she's a serpent! What the fuck?" Ronnie hisses
Toni grip on my waist hardens and she sighs
"Baby, I'm going to catch up with Fangs and Jughead- I'll see you at lunch?"
"Of course Tones," I say kissing her cheek
She leaves and I look back at Ronnie
"Seriously?" I ask
"Cheryl, three months ago- you hated Toni," Veronica says
"Ya and now I like Her- a lot," I say
"Cheryl she's a serpent and rumour has it she's slept with all of the serpents and half the north side," Kevin says "never mind that she probably deals coke,"
She explains where she heard these rumours and more.
"To Be Fair, Veronica's slept with most of the Northside and a serpent and we don't care. And I don't think Toni deals," I say "I know her a lot better than you think I do,"
"Ask her please?" Ronnie asks
"Sure, I'll ask Her at lunch," I sigh
They nod and we go to the first to classes before lunch.
Toni runs over to me at my locker and hugs me.
"Babe guess what?" She asks
"I got a 98 on my chem test!"
"I'm so proud Toni," I laugh kissing her
"What's wrong?" She asks
"Veronica has concerns about us, and told me some rumours that bothered me. Well one bothered me, the other two are irrelevant,"
"What are they?"
"Well the one that bothered me is that Jughead told her that you Deal cocaine," I say
"Okay, promise you'll let me explain?" She asks
"Fine," I say a little disappointed
"It was one time and I was 11. I didn't even know it was coke, my dad put a new backpack on me and said a surprise was waiting for me in a specific spot," she says "I just walked there, I thought the surprise was like candy or something but it was just another bag full of cash,"
"Oh I'm so sorry," I say sympathetically "Ronnie just said that Jughead said it and I thought that might be a serpent thing,"
"It's okay baby," she says "can I know the other two rumours?"
"That you've slept with a lot of people on the south side,"
"Nope," She says "I'm a virgin,"
"Really?" I ask not convinced
"Well last night was my first actual kiss," she says
"I don't count people at the bar trying to force themselves on me,"
I hug her and sigh
"I'm sorry," I say "I was just wondering,"
"It's alright C," she says "I don't care,"

A/N: would y'all read this as a full length story?

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