Mothers Day

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Toni's POV
Cher and I are in the kitchen waiting for our little boy Blake to get home.
"He's getting so big," Cheryl says looking at a picture
"I know babe," I laugh "he's already 5, next thing we know he's going to be in college,"
She giggles.
We decided years ago I was going to get pregnant because Cheryl wanted to kill her gene pool or something like that, but we kept her last name.
"Mommies!!" We hear from the front hall
We walk out and Blake jumps in my arms.
"Hey Blakey," I laugh hugging him "How was school?"
"It was ok," he sighs hugging Cheryl
"What's wrong baby boy?" Cher asks ruffling his hair
"I don't like Mrs. Muggs,"
"Why?" I ask "I thought you said she was nice,"
He shakes his head.
"I don't wanna tell you," he says
"Why not?" I ask
I pick him up and the three of us walk to the kitchen.
"Buddy happened?" I ask "I don't want you to be sad,"
"She didn't let me do a craft that I needed to do," he says looking at his hands
I look at Cher and she shrugs.
"What craft sweetheart?" Cher asks
I'm not a fan of Ethel either but I'm not allowed to voice my opinion because Cheryl says he should like his teacher.
"B-because we were doing Mother's Day crafts today and everyone made a mug and a card for their mommies and why they love them and I asked if I could do two because I had two mommies and she said no, to include both of you on my card and I said no. Everyone else's mommy got a card just to themselves,"
He starts crying and Cheryl hugs him.
"It's ok baby, we don't need cards,"
"But it's not fair!" He said "everyone gets to do a craft at Mother's Day and a craft at Father's Day- that's what she said, but I won't do one at Father's Day, but that's ok because I don't have a dad. But, but, I want to make one for both of you because you're both special and it's Mother's Day,"
"Buddy, it's ok, all we want for Mother's Day, is for you to hangout with us ok? We love you kiddo, and all we want is to see your cute smile," I say
He looks at me and nods.
"Why don't I make a snack and you and mommy can play baseball outside?" Cher suggests
"Can we mommy?"
"Of course Blakey," I laugh "go grab your glove,"
He gets up and runs upstairs to his room.
"I never thought about mother and Father's Day for him," she sighs
"Well, he'll be fine," I say "he's a smart kid,"
"Ya he really is," she laughs "it's because he has your genes,"
"Doubt it," I laugh "it's because you read the big stories to him,"
She kisses me and then turns to start the snack and I find my glove.
"Mommy are you ready?" He asks
"Yep," I say putting my glove on and opening the door 
We throw for a while.
"You're getting stronger sweetheart," I say
"Thanks mommy," he laughs
"You still don't seem happy,"
"Well, I don't want you to be mad,"
"Why would I be mad?"
"Because I already finished the card when I asked and she said I couldn't do another and I did the first one for momma,"
"Oh that's ok baby boy," I laugh "I don't want anything,"
"But it's your day!" He says "you always get me something for my birthday and Christmas and whenever I ask,"
"That's my job kiddo," I laugh "Why don't we watch a movie on Sunday and you cuddle with me and we can eat my favourite snacks? That can be my present,"
"Are you sure? I could try and make a card but I don't know how to spell," he says
I laugh and hug him.
"If you still feel bad I bet momma will help you,"
"You think so?" He asks
"I know so buddy,"
He smiles and we keep throwing. He wants to play in the MLB when he grows up so we throw the ball around all the time.
"Hey guys, snack is ready!" Cheryl yells
"Mommy can I go?"
"Of course Blakey, ill meet you up there,"
He runs over and I pick the ball up and walk over.
"Mommy! Momma made cheese and crackers! With apples AND grapes,"
"That's because mommy's amazing," I laugh kissing Cheryl cheek
"Happy Mother's Day!!" I hear Blake yell before jumping on my bed
Cher kisses my cheek and sets breakfast down infront of me.
"Thanks baby," I say kissing her "and thank Blakey, this looks great,"
"Can I go grab your cards?" He asks
"Of course kiddo," I laugh
He leaves.
"Did you end up helping Blake with a card?" I ask
"No why?" She asks confused
"He made you a card at school and then asked Ethel to do one for me and she said no so he thought I was going to to be angry,"
"Oh I'm sorry babe, I would've helped him but he didn't tell me,"
"It's ok, he promised to watch a movie and cuddle with me this afternoon,"
"Am I invited?" She asks
"Of course my love," I laugh
Blake walks in with a mug and
2 cards?
"This one is for momma," he says handing Cheryl a card "and this one's for you mommy, I tried really really hard, I'm sorry,"
I kiss his cheek and ruffle his hair.
"Thanks baby boy," I say "I'm sure it's great,"

Deer mommy,
Happy Mother's Day! I love you a lot and hope you hafe a amazing day! Thank you for efireything you do weth me, I love frowing the baseball weth you. I love you.

"Awe baby, you did such a great job on this," I say hugging him and kissing the side of his head "I'm so proud of you,"
"Thank you buddy," Cheryl says ruffling his hair
"Did you like your mug?" He asks Cheryl
"I love it sweetie," she smiles
He has the biggest grin on his face.
"Buddy, how did you know how to spell some of these words?" I ask "amazing is a big word for you,"
"I took Mommy's card out of the envelope and looked at it for some of the words I needed," he says "because you always tell me to problem solve so I tried! And I looked in my little books for some of the words that I know,"
"You're such a smart little boy," I smile "good job buddy,"
"So you liked it?" He asks
"I love it sweetheart,"
He smiles and kisses my cheek.
"Mommy bend down," he says
Cher bends down and he kisses her cheek
She smiles and tells him to go get dressed
"I love you babe, happy Mother's Day," she says pecking my lips
"Happy Mother's Day to you too baby,"

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