Chapter 45

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Authors note: enjoy!

The next day started without a hitch, all the students were attending their lessons as normal, Coral was happy with the amount of work she hadn't received. Adelaide had slept soundly for once and had woken with the other girls and headed to breakfast, they had collected their food and had met up with an unusually happy Jack and a rather chipper Tooth, who hadn't uttered anything weird that morning. Elsa smiled at the breakfast lady as she passed her an extra bagel.
"Thank you!" She said brightly, the lady smiled back and ushered her along giving the other students extra food.
"That was weird?" Adelaide said still smiling, Kida laughed.
"Hey don't knock it yet girl, everyone's in a really excitable mood." She said as Elsa nodded biting into her apple, she stopped for a moment and gave a small frown causing the other two girls to look in her direction. Hans and Vanessa were heading their way. Kida bit her lip and scanned the room, it had become crowded and there was no way to avoid the two villains. Adelaide clutched her tray tightly as Hans and Vanessa stopped in front of them.
"Good morning." Hans said politely to the three girls, "it's a lovely morning." He said shoving his hands into his pockets, Vanessa rolled her eyes and stepped closer to the trio, leaning close.
"Did you guys sleep well?" She asked, Kida's jaw dropped.
"I- uh.. we- uh.."
Elsa pushed her jaw up gently and smiled back at their other roommate.
"We did, did you?"
"Yeah," She leant away and closed her eyes slightly, "we better get going we have to get to Pitch's lesson."
Hans pushed her forward and placed one hand on Adelaide's shoulder and one on Vanessa's.
"Bye Adelaide, Kida, Elsa. Come on Nessa." They headed off leaving the girls gob smacked.
"o'bɛs ma'kɪtəɡ."

Adelaide was sat in her art lesson waiting for Queen Elinor to arrive, it was unusual for her to be late but Adelaide took it as a blessing and pulled out the letter Kronk had handed her that morning before breakfast. Quickly glancing around the Princess smiled as she watched the girls getting ready for their class. Elsa was fixated on keeping the snow cloud centered over her ice sculpture which was finally starting to take shape after many mistakes and refreezes, Pocahontas had moved her canvas to the balcony to be closer to nature which she insisted was an important factor to her final piece, Rapunzel on the other hand, was busy crushing a white shell to make her paints as she did so often before lessons started. Taking a deep breath she broke the red wax seal and pulled out the paper contained inside.
'Dear Princess Adelaide,
I am sorry for the lateness of my reply the trip back home to Syracuse took an unexpected turn as the ship was boarded by a band of ruffians...' Adelaide stifled a worried gasped before she continued to read. 'But do not fret by happy coincident their leader happened to be a close friend of mine Sinbad. It was lovely to see him once again as it has been a long time since he has returned to his home and I have to admit it is lovely to be back at the palace but I miss the academy it has brought about the yearning I had as a teenager to go on the high seas and discovers the thrill of adventure once again...' Adelaide giggled shaking her head at the thought of the rather serious Prince gallivanting off around the world. 'Sinbad was rather interested in my reasons for visiting Disney Academy once again and I have to admit I boasted that I was there visiting a beautiful princess and he has insisted that I take him to the academy next time so he can meet you.
I look forward to your next letter.
Yours sincerely,
Blushing furiously she quickly placed the letter back into its envelope and slipped it into her bag.

Rothbart smiled to himself as he slipped into the shadows unnoticed by the students moving between lessons, his dark magic was a blessing he had spent hours, days, months, years even perfecting the art and finally everything had begun to flourish. He was so close to fulfilling his goal and now that the pirate was infected with the darkness and incapacitated things were starting to look up, her awakening though was an inconvenience but it was nothing he couldn't fix. The male pushed onwards in the darkness before he halted in front of the art room turning his head he looked inside. Adelaide was stood staring at her canvas with trepidation unsure of what to do next. He let his eyes roam over her figure smirking in self-satisfaction as he recognized the dress she was wearing to be the one he had given her although the colour had begun to deepen from its original plum colouring. Snapping his fingers silently the world around Adelaide went still.
"It's good to see you again princess. I am flattered to see you liked the dress, I gave you, so much."
"Rothbart..." She hissed turning from her painting. "What do you want?"
"Just a flying visit I have another person I have to see but I thought I should come and see you one last time."
"What do you mean one last time?"
Rothbart clicked his tongue in disapproval at her hopeful look.
"So many questions." He deflected. "It seems you take after your mother."
"My mother..." Adelaide whispered under her breath trying to decipher his meaning.
"Ah yes your mother was quiet the little devil in her time. A fair maiden betrayed by the human she later married... that darkness she left on the world lingers still." Smirking he ran his forefinger across Adelaide's cheek.
"My mother was not evil... she wasn't...."
"Oh Adelaide how naïve you are..." Moving his forefinger to her ear he pushed her hair backwards and whispered. "You cannot even begin to imagine the lives your dear mother destroyed in her anger." Adelaide's chest tightened as his words clouded her mind the thought that the mother she knew who was so gentle, so kind, was in fact a monster. She screamed and within that second Rothbart smiled the seed of anger and despair had been planted and soon his wife to be would show her true potential as an ally to the darkness and with that he vanished back into the shadows and the world around the princess carried on as though he had never been there.

Ariel ran along and stopped when she spotted Aurora,
"Hello Ariel, are you okay?"
"Yes! Great actually!" She smiled brightly at the other princess, Aurora frowned and folded her arms across her chest.
"Where were you yesterday you were late to lesson."
"Oh." She scratched the back of her head sheepishly "I was with Jack." She answered, Aurora walked along a few steps, "and Hans." Ariel added quietly, Aurora stopped and her jaw dropped facing her friend.
"I'm sorry did you just say Hans?"
"Yes." Ariel gave a small smile, Aurora walked towards Ariel and tapped her on the head.
"Sweetie are you feeling alright? Why would you be hanging around with a villain especially Hans and he definitely does not like Jack Frost." Aurora took Ariel's hand and dragged her towards lesson, Ariel sighed.
"I know you think he's bad! But I wanted to see Coral and I thought both would be nice to me if we all went together."
"YOU SAW CORAL?!" Aurora practically yelled at the younger girl, Ariel flinched and began twiddling her thumbs.
"I did... she was happy to see me."
"I doubt that highly. You've given her more reason to dislike you." Aurora pushed Ariel into the class room ignoring the others giving her looks. "Coral is not to be trusted Ariel, hasn't your father told you that?"
"I-I guess."
"Hans too! Coral and Hans are the bad guys Ariel they can hurt you."
"But if you would just listen!" Ariel cried back, Aurora placed her hands on her hips and stood tall.
"Ariel! She is no good, I don't know why you are all so fixated on seeing if she is alright, did you forget what she did to-"
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Ariel shut her eyes and turned on her heels "why are you being so mean to her? She almost died! We had a really nice time too!"
Aurora stared dumbfounded after Ariel. Kida watched as Ariel ran away crying, she headed towards Aurora, and placed her hands on her hips.
Aurora rubbed her temples.
"I haven't been sleeping..."
"I know, Snow, Cinderella and Belle... look you shouldn't take it out on Ariel... I know you don't care for Coral, but Ariel is trying."
"But why?" Aurora complained, Kida shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't know that either, but Ariel is having a hard time adjusting to the way Belle, Cinderella and Snow have been treating her."
Aurora flicked her hair over her shoulder.
"That doesn't mean she has to be friends with the enemy, in hopes that she is good."
"Girl you are impossible sometimes." Kida sighed.
"I am not!"
"Yes you are!" Kida barked back, Aurora glared at the white haired beauty, the class watched on in amazement as the girls argued, Flynn rolled his eyes at the two squabbling girls and from his seat he muttered.
"Maybe you both should visit Coral."

Winter here!
Thanks for reading!

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