Chapter Eighteen

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It was that time of the week when the good and bad of Disney Academy would split for a two-hour lecture. The good side would be taken by Triton, King of the Sea whilst the bad side would be taken by Pitch, King of Nightmares. The bell rang causing the entire class to groan loudly as they began to pick up their books.
"Why is everyone groaning?" Adelaide asked slightly confused at the unison of the sound.
"Oh of course, this is your first Good 101 lesson isn't it? Since you missed the first one of the term." Rapunzel smiled as she rocked on the balls of her feet.
"Good 101?" Merida wrapped an arm around Adelaide's shoulder and led her to the door.
"Och' Aye. It's a two-hour lecture where we split into two groups."
"But we do get the rest of the day off after it." Anna cheered as she skipped past the three girls dragging Kristoff along with her as he mouthed 'Help me' towards Adelaide as he was dragged along. Merida laughed heartily as she waved to the ice man.
"I'm so glad I'm single."
"Merida can I ask you a question?"
The red head halted.
"When your moth... uh I mean Queen, Elinor set up an arranged marriage for you... what did you do?"
"Och' I changed my fate." She explained, Adelaide smiled brightly. "It didn't go well admittedly, Queen bears, Mor'du, Bonds broken. Not a pretty sight." Merida sighed at Adelaide's dejected expression. "Chin up I talked it out with my mum, that was certainly a better idea than the witch."

Coral settled down in the back of the catacombs, it was cold, dark and isolated just how the boogeyman liked it and admittedly Coral liked it too. The black cages hung from the ceiling and the golden globe of the earth with the lights for each child was strangely mesmerizing. She would stay down there for hours just watching it spin the lights flickering out as each child grew too old to believe in the Guardians. A growl left Coral's lips as she thought of Jack, white haired moron.
"My, my, angry today aren't we Coral?" A shadow crept across the back wall.
"Hello Pitch, you're a little late?" A dark chuckle erupted from her side, but she continued looking at the globe.
"Finally, someone who knows how to have a little fun." Pitch materialized in front of the girl smoothing his messy hair backwards.
"Yeah lucky you. Are we going to start or what?" Coral raised an eyebrow as the boogeyman walked over to one of his nightmares.
"Yes, I suppose we should now they're all here."

It was bright out in the lagoon as Adelaide and Merida arrived. They found a spot on the rocks under the shade of the tree with Elsa who was curled up tightly underneath.
"Are you alright Elsa?" Adelaide asked.
"I hate the sun." She grumbled.
"Daddy!" Adelaide toppled forward as Ariel shoved her to the side, causing Elsa to giggle as Ariel ran into the lagoon as a broad chested male rose from the water.
"Ariel." He held his arms open as she ran into them.
"It's good to see you my dear." Ariel smiled brightly at the white-haired male.
"Good to see you too, Daddy." She un-wrapped her arms from his back and ran back to Eric who placed his arm around her back.
"Now then let us begin." He raised his trident in the air causing a rainbow to appear in the sky, the males clapped at his performance whilst the girls all cooed with excitement as Adelaide sat back up rubbing her back in amusement.

The lectures went slowly for the students and by the time they had finally finished the sun was sitting low on the horizon causing the sky to fill with pinks, oranges and yellows, casting a calming glow on the lagoon's waters.
"That's is all for today's lesson." King Trident announced, "I will see you all soon." Bowing his head to the students he waved to Ariel as he disappeared under the blue water. Adelaide rose from her seated position and began to walk away when she heard her name being called from the top of the bank surrounding the lagoon. When she turned to look up she was filled with anger, Hans was stood there, his arms crossed and glaring down at her.
"What's he doing here?" Prince Phillip asked as he pulled Aurora closer.
"I don't know let's go find out." Adelaide smirked as she began to walk up the hill leaving the rest of the class looked on, confused.
"Your father wanted you." Hans said forcing it out past his lips.
"Really, what are you now his messenger?" The bitterness was obvious in her tone as she turned to walk away from him before she had chance his gloved hand grasped her wrist tightly and spun her back around to him. "Let go of me Hans." He stared into her eyes before he released her wrist.
"Just go see him."
Adelaide scoffed at his arrogant tone.
"You!" He pointed a finger at her. "You are an arrogant, spoilt little princess who doesn't realize how good she's had it!" He yelled at her exasperated.
"And you are an obnoxious, self-centered Prince who doesn't see the freedom he has in front of him!" She screamed back at him. The two just stood before Hans breathed out angrily. 
"At least I know how to act like what I am." He hissed, Adelaide gasped and narrowed her eyes at the male.
"Well at least I don't follow that boorish, pig headed and downright sexist man around like a little puppy who lost his own way in the world. You are so brave and loyal but sometimes I even wonder if you have a heart."  The princess stopped and collected her thoughts before she continued. "I am going to see my father and tell him I will consider the arranged marriage, as this..." She gestured at the both of them "has made it clear that any thoughts I had of us being together were just fantasy." Hans stood up straighter, sadness present in his green eyes.
"Fine." He spat out before he stalked off leaving Adelaide alone at the top of the banks looking at the empty space the prince once filled.

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