Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jack stared at the girl lying unconscious in the medical examination room. He watched as the glass slowly turned to ice. The medical team stood around her as they attached her to drips, he blinked slowly and watched her chest rise and fall.
"Jack...?" Jack Frost stayed still as he heard the door close "are you ok?"
"What do you think?" His voice was hoarse. Adelaide sighed and stood next to him.
"I should have stopped her." Jack clenched his fists, Adelaide stared into the room and watched as another woman placed a needle into Coral's arm. Frost flinched away and closed his eyes, it was bad enough that he didn't stop her, but he didn't even know what caused this, what had hurt her so badly.
"Was it Gaston?"
"What?" Jack turned to Adelaide who blushed a little and fiddled with her hair.
"I don't know it's just he wasn't around when it happened I don't think, all the schools talking about it. Jack, I know you're blaming yourself right now, but there was nothing you could do. Hell, we don't even know what took place out there." She stammered, trying to hide her panic which wasn't working. There was a knock on the door and Merida and Anastasia walked in both shuffling uncomfortably next to one another. Anastasia stared at Jack Frost.
"Why are you here?"
"I could ask you the same thing." Anastasia hissed back "you shouldn't even be here, for all I know you put her there."
"Why would I even do that to her?" Jack asked angrily.
"Because she hurt you."
"I would never hurt her." Jack said through gritted teeth, Adelaide and Merida exchanged glances before coughing and breaking the awkward tension.
"What do you think happened Merida?" Adelaide asked, Merida headed to the window and stopped.
"I'm not sure lass." She responded walking up to the glass and watching Coral sleep, Anastasia sighed and pressed her forehead against the window, Jack Frost leant against it and closed his eyes. Captain Sparrow at that moment walked in.
"Woah, that's a gathering. Oh, Anastasia you're here too?"
"Obviously Sparrow... where's her dad?" Captain Sparrow shrugged and took off his hat eyeing Jack.
"Thank you all for coming..." He said sadly Adelaide placed a hand on his shoulder.
"She'll be alright." She said, Merida nodded in agreement.
"Aye of course, she's a fighter that young pirate." She smiled up at the older male. Jack Sparrow smiled gratefully. Suddenly there was a loud beeping coming from the room and Coral's chest heaved up and her body shook violently, everyone's eyes widened and in one movement Jack Sparrow gripped Anastasia and pulled the crying and screaming girl out of the room. As Coral's body went into cardiac arrest. Adelaide was pulled back by a shaky hand of Merida whilst Jack Frost stared at the window before they closed the blinds. 

The five sat quietly in the waiting room. The time passed slowly, and Adelaide couldn't stand it she stood up quickly and began pacing the room.
"Adelaide sit down lass that ain't gonna do you any good." Captain Sparrow said calmly as he tapped his foot on the floor.
"She'll be fine." Anastasia muttered softly looking at Adelaide.
"It's taking too long! I need to do something." She yelled.
"There is nothing we can do they are the best people to deal with what's happening to her!" Captain Sparrow practically cried.
"No there's not..." She looked across everyone's faces, taking a deep breath she headed to the door.
"Where are you going?" Anastasia asked as she got to her feet.
"To talk to someone who can save her." She opened the door and ran leaving the four looking at each other in confusion.

It was dark outside; storm clouds were gathering in the sky over the school as Adelaide began to climb the fence to the forest. She didn't know where she was going but she had to try for Coral's sake. Rain drops started to fall from the sky splashing on her skin and the ground. The temperature dropped rapidly as the gentle rain turned into a downpour, Adelaide trudged through the forest wishing she had worn something warmer when she stumbled upon the clearing. The rain didn't affect the lake. The water was as clear as the first time she laid eyes on it and Adelaide began to laugh all her emotions bubbling to the surface.
"My, my, what a surprise to see you here."
Adelaide turned to look at the familiar man.
"I-I need your help." She stuttered between chattering teeth as the cold began to seep into her body.
"You stupid girl." Rothbart shook his head in dismay and waved his palm in front of her, her clothes shimmered gold and began to transform to a long dark plum coloured dress. "That should be better." He smiled darkly at her as his eyes took in the curves of her body. Ignoring the rising sickness, she felt Adelaide walked closer to him.
"Please I need your help, you're the only one who can save Coral."
"Oh?" He gasped in mock surprise as he turned away from her. "And if I agree to help what do I get?" He smirked, his plan falling into place, Adelaide felt her lips tremble.
"I-I..." She stuttered as she tried to think of something he would want.
"Well if that's all you had to say..." He began to leave when a pair of hands grasped onto his shirt sleeve, looking over his shoulder he saw Adelaide kneeling on the ground her head hung down grasping his sleeve for dear life tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Please I'll do anything... I can dance and play the part just please... PLEASE save Coral." He unlatched her fingers from his sleeve and knelt in front of her grasping her chin in between his fingers he pulled her face upwards to look into his eyes.
  "What if I don't want too?" Her eyes widened at his cold tone.
"I'll marry you. I'll tell my Father I can't marry Proteus. I promise!" She cried desperately, smiling he stood up pulling the princess up with him.
"Forgive me if I don't take your word for it so I'll need something to prove you'll keep your promise..." His features darkened. "How about that pretty little necklace your mother left you?" Adelaide closed her eyes her anger rising but her sadness overflowing. "You're necklace my sweet or your friend dies." With shaking hands Adelaide's hand went into her pocket, how he knew about the necklace was beyond her but if that's what he wished for, she'd give it up. She stared at it and let it dangle in front of him before handing it carefully to Rothbart. "I'll take good care of it. You'll get it back when you break your agreement with the prince."
Adelaide watched in horror as her necklace disappeared in a cloud of magic. "I'll go save her now then. Be a good little girl and go back before someone comes to search for you. I'd hate to have to hurt them." A wave of cold air hit her as Rothbart transformed into the great beast and began to fly for the castle. A few minutes later Adelaide's knees gave way and she crumbled to the floor. She held her head in her hands as she realized what she had just done.

Jack sat with Captain Sparrow, Mickey and Anastasia no one had come out of the operating room and the last time they saw Coral she had been attached to machines and her body was shaking violently. Adelaide opened the door and walked back in her head lowered and eyes blotchy with tears. Anastasia took a gulp before getting up out of her seat and taking Adelaide by the hand and leading her to a seat and handing her some water.
"She'll be alright Adeliade..." She whispered as she sat down next to her the blonde girl. Captain Sparrow frowned.
"Did you go home and change?" He asked staring down at the purple tight fitting floor length dress,  Adelaide began to feel her cheeks heat up, Mickey raised an eyebrow and she began sipping delicately from the cup.
"Oh.... Urm... yeah... I- It's raining out there..." She muttered glumly. Jack Frost raised his hood and sat by the window tracing patterns along the ledge, a loud yelling came from outside the waiting room and everyone sighed, Gaston strode in with Hans on his heels.
"Where is she?! Why haven't we heard anything?" He roared, Jack Sparrow didn't respond, in fact everyone in the room ignored Gaston. He puffed out his chest and advanced to Jack Frost.
"I thought we told you to stay away! It was probably you who did this!" He roared, only to be stopped by Anastasia. She stood up and folded her arms.
"Leave him alone Gaston! You shouldn't even be here!" She snapped, Gaston was taken aback, the silent twin had mouthed off for the first time "you weren't around when she was attacked! How do we know it wasn't you!" She hissed, Mickey raised his hand, as Hans took a seat opposite Adelaide.
"Enough everyone please, we are all here for Coral." The room was once again filled with silence. Hans scowled at the dress and Mickey paced the room. Gaston made no attempt to move away from Jack Frost who gave him a dirty stare before turning his head away. A doctor walked in and smiled at the students and teachers.
"I would love to report I have been brought in specially to help, I would like to ask a few questions."
"Gosh sir we don't really have time to answer questions, Coral's life..." He trailed off as the doctor smirked slightly,
"Oh don't worry my King, she will be alright." He stared at Adelaide before he walked out and back into the operating room. Everyone other than Adelaide shrugged before waiting patiently. Adelaide clenched her fists and closed her eyes tightly, wishing for this nightmare to end.

Rothbart watched as the last nurse dropped to her knees. He smirked and strode towards Coral lying barely breathing on the bed. He scanned her almost naked body, he took her hand and it fell limp in his.
"My poor beautiful monster, you won't live much longer." A shadow crept around him and slipped up his arm. "I'm you're only hope left." Her body began to violently shake again causing Rothbart to laugh loudly, he roughly shoved her chest down and the monitor stopped beeping. "I suppose I should save you my little pawn." He opened her mouth and put his three middle fingers in her mouth. The slippery shadows slipped down his arms and into Coral's mouth, he took his fingers away and clicked his fingers the frozen doctors and nurses woke up and gasped, they stared around, and everything was eerily silent until an ear splitting scream left Coral's lips.

Winter here!
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Winter here!Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story! Please don't forget to leave a star and a comment!I love to hear your thoughts!Love

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