Chapter Thirteen

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Special posts, enjoy!

"You can't tell anyone I told you!" Adelaide begged as Hans paced backwards and forwards across the floor.

"Who on earth would I tell?" he growled before he halted in front of her desk and stared down at the sketch book, flipping the page backwards a smile crept across his face. "You know I'm flattered."

"What are you on about?" Adelaide asked before she gasped. He held her sketch book in front of him the page she had doodled on earlier in lesson was staring back at her. "Oh god if this day could get any worse." She sobbed, placing the book back on the desk Hans walked back over to Adelaide.
"Shh..." He knelt once again placing his hands on her face he tried to calm her down but her crying continued. Hans looked up at Adelaide, her tears rolling down her face. He'd always believed that no one would ever need him considering he was the youngest in his family of thirteen, so he had hardened himself to the world and declared himself to be a villain, but along came this girl, she was nothing special but something attracted him to her, something he still couldn't put his finger on but he was sure it had something to do with love.

"You need to calm down Adelaide."
Adelaide shook her head in his hands.

"I can't..." Her tears began to fall heavily once again.

"Listen to me Adelaide." Hans commanded, and she looked into his eyes searching for something. "Just close your eyes."
The princess just stared. "Please." His green eyes looked into her teal ones and finally Adelaide closed her eyes with trepidation. "That's it. You'll be alright no one can hurt you here." His thumb began to move in a circular motion on her cheek relaxing her significantly. He continued the motion until she let out a relaxed sighed. "That's better." Hans looked over to the clock on her bedside table. "I should leave the last bell will toll in five minutes and I need to be in my dorm room." Adelaide eyes snapped open fear clearly present.
"Don't leave me here alone." She pleaded frantically. Smiling sadly, he resumed the circular motion with his thumb. Leaning close to Adelaide's ear he whispered.
"Don't worry I'll never let you go." Her breath hitched as he quickly moved his mouth from her ear to her lips, the kiss was soft and gentle but somehow it felt deep and Adelaide couldn't help but blush deeply. Laughing from the corridor caused the two to break apart. "I really should go. The princesses will be back." He moved to the balcony he gave her a last look, "If I'm not here I'm sure your pirate heroine will save you too." and with that he began to climb back down the vines. Adelaide had followed him and was leaning on the stone barrier watching. When he had reached the ground, he turned and looked back at the princess, seeing she was clearly in a daydream as her fingers traced her lip smiling he gave her a quick wave noticing this she quickly waved back then darted back inside. Hans shook his head happily as he began the short walk back to his dorm. 

The forest was dark at night the thick layer of leaves blocked the moon from reaching this deep into the woods, but Facilier knew exactly where he was going after all he was the Shadow Man. When he finally reached the clearing, he coughed loudly.
"What?!" A voice roared.

"Rothbart I assume?"
The red-haired male strode forward.

"And what is stopping me from killing you where you stand?"
Facilier smiled and stepped out from the shadows.

"Well if you want the princess it'd be in your best interest not to." Rothbart rose an eyebrow in interest.

"And how do you propose you can persuade her more than I could."

"Now they don't call me the Shadow Man for nothing." With a flourish of his hand he created an image of Adelaide in a wedding dress bowing to her new King. "With a little help from my friends on the other side I can be very... persuasive."
Rothbart smiled darkly at the other male.
"Do we have ourselves a deal?"

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