Chapter Seven

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Adelaide sighed and poked her tomato around.
"I just don't understand this whole, villain and hero divide..." She stood up, Jack watched her go, "I'm getting another drink, anyone want anything?" She asked, Esmerelda held up her drink and smiled brightly. "Got it." She began walking, thinking to herself until she bumped into someone's back, she stumbled back.
"I am so sorry. That was my fault." She said, she glanced up at the red head male, her eyes widened as he turned around,
"you really should be. Oh." His arrogant tone rang through her ears and her face lit up. He glanced her up and down.
"Sorry." She said again, the male smirked and placed a hand on his hip. She tried to step passed him but tripped over her own feet and fell forward. The male's eyes widened before he reached forward gently wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her up. She pushed his hand away her heart beating quickly, her cheeks reddening from embarrassment.
"Bit clumsy, aren't we princess?" He teased, she opened and closed her mouth, folding her arms across her chest. He gave her another award-winning smile before bowing.
"Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." He introduced, Adelaide curtsied stiffly.
"I'm Adelaide." She said, "well I should get going." She muttered,
"ah so you're the princess who had Coral breaking the rules." He mused, Adelaide raised an eyebrow.
"Pardon?" She said, Hans chuckled.
"I'm only kidding I know it was all Coral..." He gave her a peculiar smile and Adelaide shook her head.
"Well goodbye... Hans."
"Bye Adelaide." He said as she turned and headed back to the table as quickly as her feet could carry. He chuckled again before heading over to Coral and Gaston, the latter swigging down his drink.

Adelaide sat back down and placed her head on the table.
"what happened to you?" Ariel asked, Adelaide raised her eyes to look at Ariel.
"Is Hans a villain or a prince?" She asked, Charming chuckled.
"He's just as bad as the others." He answered, Esmerelda leant forward.
"Oh fiddlesticks." Adelaide grumbled causing the girls to laugh.
"It's fine, but we saw you with Hans. That was awkward." Esmerelda laughed, Philip nodded.
"Be careful, he's a lot sneakier than the others."
Adelaide groaned and closed her eyes,
"this school is so complicated, he's a prince for crying out loud." She whined, until she gasped a cold chill covering the side of her face, she sat up and noticed Jack was now sat between Phoebus and Cinderella grinning wickedly, a trail of frost leading from his hand to where her head had previously been.
"You evil Frost monkey!" She yelled, Jack laughed before darting away from the table and running around the canteen. The table began to laugh "get back here! You're in big trouble!" She yelled laughing.

Coral watched as Hans sat down next to her, the rest of the villains laughing and chatting loudly, but the two most cunning were quiet. They both watched as Adelaide caught up to Jack Frost and jumped on his back. They stopped staring once a bell tolled nine and Minnie and Mickey appeared on the balcony smiling down at their students.
"It is time for everyone to return to your chambers. We hope you have had a wonderful dinner and we thank our staff for being so generous and giving us splendid food to enjoy." Minnie squeaked loudly, everyone gave a universal sigh. Coral watched as all the princesses stared up sadly at their princes knowing they had to depart. Coral's nose wrinkled up until she felt an arm snake around her waist and the boys on the villain's tables howled loudly as they watched Gaston pull faces. Hans rolled his eyes.
"Gaston! Own rooms!" Mickey scowled at the young man, Adelaide turned her head to the side with Jack she stared at Gaston, as Jack almost gagged.
"We look forward to seeing you all in class tomorrow. Goodnight students!" Mickey dismissed the students, Ariel and Eric made a move as the others began to follow, Adelaide and Jack Frost followed with Elsa leading the way, Coral watched as they left, and Jack Sparrow waltzed in. Facilier stood up and slipped out the door, he eyes Coral as she tried to make a bee line for Jack Sparrow but could not. Gaston had his hand gripping Coral's waist tightly. Hans glanced around as Helga kicked the female on the leg.
"See your evil ass tomorrow." She smirked before walking off Coral rubbed her leg in annoyance.
"Yeah, yeah." She still continued to struggle, and Hans placed a hand on Gaston's shoulder.
"Hey, I think Facilier is looking for you... I can escort her home." He said, Coral and Hans stared at each other as Gaston shrugged his shoulder, he slopped a kiss onto her neck and Coral's eyes widened in anger.
"See you later babe." He walked off pushing through students as he went, Coral wrinkled up her nose.
"See you later." She mimicked causing Hans to chuckle. She straightened her back and stared back at Hans.
"I never knew the lady of Darkness had a comedic side." Hans said extending his hand, Coral took his hand and she stood up, he hooked her hand through his arm.
"I don't- never mind. Hans, what do you want? You only talk when you want something." She said as they walked together, with her linked to the prince. Hans placed a hand over his heart.
"Me? Never." He said, Coral sighed. "You know me too well. Alright, what's the blonde princess like?" He asked,
"cool. But she's a princess." Coral answered bluntly. "And we're... evil." She let go of his arm and gave him a small smile, "see you in class..." She turned and ran off to the other pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. "Hey Jack!" She yelled, Hans watched her go, and placed his hands on his hips, huffing slightly.
"Since when was evil a problem to her?" He thought before heading towards his room.

Captain Jack watched as Hans led Coral over in his direction, he rolled his eyes as Coral let go of his arm and hurried over.
"Hey Jack." She said,
"hey trouble." He said, before they both walked out of the canteen, neither of them spoke as the walked slowly together. Coral stopped when they were in the court yard, she stared up at the moon, the rays illuminating her face. Captain Jack watched as students ran to their rooms, saying goodnight to one another. Coral looked at the students, the princesses saying goodnight to their future princes. Coral shuffled her feet and lowered her head; Captain Jack raised his hand and flicked Coral's forehead.
"Ow!" She yelped, Captain Jack folded his arms.
"You are such a dummy, missy." He said,
"oh shut up." She snapped back, "you don't understand." She was cut off.
"I don't? Coral your back was singed, you almost got a princess killed! You could have been excluded Coral, if it wasn't for me... Not once did you say thank you! Not once did you think about the consequences of going in there! Why do I bother Coral? You almost died this time!" He yelled, Coral flinched at Captain Jack's hard tone, she took a step back. He pursed his lips together, believing he might have made things worse.
"You don't care... no one truly does. No one even likes me here! Don't you think I know that? It's why I ran away! And that princess got in the way! I don't need you and I don't need anyone else!" She yelled, she turned on her heels hiding her face as she ran, Captain Jack sighed and rubbed his forehead.
"Coral..." He moaned, he walked away as the pirate ran to her room and slammed the door shut behind her.

"She'll come around." A voice spoke quietly behind Captain Jack.
"She just doesn't see how good she can be, she needs you Sparrow, her father and her have a strained relationship you know that, its why she acts up and causes problems. She just wants to be herself and not what others want her to be." Mickey said, glancing around at the school and the students.

I'm so sorry I didn't post anything yesterday.
I was overly distracted by other things.
Here is two chapters to make up for it!

 Here is two chapters to make up for it!Enjoy!Love

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