Chapter Five

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Coral and Adelaide jumped before turning around. Coral stepped in front of the princess and lowered her hands to her sides. Adelaide reached forward and gripped Coral's forearm. From the depths of the darkness a shadow began to walk forward, and Coral's eyes narrowed.
"Who's that?" Adelaide asked, a slight whimper to her voice, Coral shook her head as she glanced back at the lake. She clenched her hands into fists, as the man stepped out into the light of the moon.
"We've been careless." Coral muttered back as the man with bright amber hair stepped forward his cape bellowing behind him.
"What can I do for you beautiful ladies? What brings you to my meadow?" He asked, Coral shook her head.
"Coral and I are running away." Adelaide blurted, Coral's eyes widened, and she glanced at the blonde behind her.
"Are you serious? You tell a stranger that?" She chided, Adelaide gave Coral a confused look.
"I don't know why I said it." She exclaimed, they heard a low chuckle and they both looked towards the man.
"I have that effect on people my dear princess." He said his eyes travelling back to Adelaide. Coral, snapped her finger causing the man to look away from the princess.
"Get lost." Coral hissed, "I'm sure you have a dark, empty, hole to crawl back into." She snapped, the man chuckled and twisted his moustache.
"Oh my dear miss Hook, you are far out of your league right now." He taunted, Coral's body tensed. "After all, isn't the Academy's rule to not trespass. If anyone should, as you said, get lost. Shouldn't it be you? Or did you want something from me? Is that why you brought yourselves to me?" He asked, Adelaide gripped Coral's arms tighter as Coral paled.
"Coral, how does he know you?"
"He doesn't." She said her eyes never leaving the man's.
They both watched as he began to walk slowly towards the two girls.
"I don't understand he knows who you are, why are you lying?" Adelaide said frantically as the two girl's stepped back again.
"He- Mickey and Minnie... legend has it that a long time ago, around the walls of the Disney Academy was a dark evil, that had to be kept at bay... I think we may have found it..." She muttered, "or rather him..." She thought, she kept her arm out, creating a barrier between the man and the princess. "But I thought it was just a story to keep us out of the woods, I didn't think someone lived in the woods."
"Oh Coral poppet, are they still keeping secrets from their students? How terribly awful." He said gleefully, he raised his hand, "now, who wants to stay here?" The fog began to advance forward. Coral's eyes widened, and Adelaide let out a scream, Coral pushed Adelaide to the side and grabbed her hand dragging her as fast as she could from the looming danger. The fog began to make chase as the man with bright amber hair began to laugh loudly behind them.
"Wh- why can't we go towards the school?" Adelaide gasped as Coral yanked her to the left. Coral pushed along before stopping by an unearthed tree, she cupped her hand and Adelaide stepped her foot onto it before Coral pushed her up and over the uprooted tree. Coral watched as the fog darted towards them. She scrambled under and stood up grabbing Adelaide's hand once more.
"We can't go back to the school. That guy can't hold us against the academy." Coral snapped, they continued their run until the forest came to an end and all that was left was a dark cliff. Coral blinked and stared at it, her eyes narrowing by the second. Adelaide turned around and let out another scream. Coral spun round and clamped her hand over the princess' mouth. The fog was falling fast and gaining speed as it came towards them. Coral frowned as Adelaide shook her hand off her and grabbed Coral's hand.
"We have to try! This way!" She yanked the pirate, noticing that she looked just as frightened as she felt. They ran along a clearer route however the fog was gaining an advantage as it began to close in all around the two girls. Coral slowed to a stop, gasping for breath, Adelaide let go of her hand.
"Shouldn't there be a fence? Or something along here?! Adelaide hissed, she wiped her forehead, her body beginning to feel hot and bothered, she continued running until she glanced back at a slowing Coral. Her eyes widened, the sweat glistened on Coral's forehead.
"Coral, its cold outside, why are you sweating so much?" She asked, Coral stopped and shook her head. Coral glanced around as the two were at another dead end.
"We've been running around in circles." She panted, Adelaide shook her head in frustration.
"Don't tell me it's the fog's doing?" She asked, Coral turned to look at the princess, her eyes widened in horror.
Adelaide let out a silent cry as her body was thrown through the air, and hit the ground, her head whiplashing back. Coral had pushed her out of the fogs way and with a sickening scream Coral fell to the ground in front of the princess, out cold. The fog stopped and dispersed,
"Coral?" Adelaide whispered, with her head spinning she crawled forward, gulping at the sight before her. Coral's back was covered in burn marks, Adelaide reached a shaky hand forward before stopping and pulling it back to her lips, as she began to cry. Coral's leather jacket had been singed and her black top was unrecognisable as her back began to slowly bleed from the burn marks.
"HELP ME!" Adelaide screamed, "PLEASE HELP!" she grabbed Coral's hand, no sound came from the forest, other than what she presumed was the man cackling. "PLEASE!" She screamed again,
Her head snapped round, frantically searching for the voice as she gripped tightly to Coral's hand.
"PLEASE CORAL'S DYING!" Adelaide closed her eyes and lowered her head. "I couldn't do anything."
In a flash, Elsa and Jack frost burst into the area.

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