Fuck I'm gay 💖Male! Reader - Fluff (probably)💖

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You finished slipping your shirt on, before heading over to him. "Nah," You leaned over him a bit, looking down at the paper. "I can do this stuff. You go do your updates or whatever you do."

He didn't respond for a minute, as his hand remained on the paper. You rolled your eyes, taking the paper from his hand, your hands slightly brush in against his.

"Jeez, you glitchin or somethin? I said I got it."

Squip finally snapped out of what you assume were his thoughts, and teleported to another spot in your room. "Yeah, sorry, I heard you. Alright, good luck then." And with that, Squip dematerialized, and you were left alone with your homework.


Meanwhile, he had to gather his thoughts.

He could barely comprehend the thoughts that raced through his mind. They were somewhat new, and they confused the supercomputer more than anything should've.

He ran his fingers through his slightly long, dark brain hair, tangling them there for a second before tugging them back out.

The feeling he felt was complicated. Very complicated. Sometimes the thoughts left him feeling a bit warmer but also happier. Sometimes they left him flustered, and embarrassed. Sometimes they left him breathless, as tried hard to comprehend why he felt the air was knocked out of him.

He wasn't supposed to have these feelings.

He was malfunctioned, slightly broken.

But honestly?

The feelings felt good and he didn't them to go away. And despite the confusion, he didn't want his new feelings to go away either.

He let out a long, drawn out sigh, before materializing in your room again.

He looked down at your now sleeping form your chest riding and falling slowly with each breath.

How long had he given into his thoughts for? He looked at the time.


At least you went to bed earlier.

Squip decided that instead of sleeping, he'd rather watch you instead. Or, rather, watch over you.

He went over, brushing some hair out of your face. He loved how peaceful you looked while sleeping.

It was... Comforting.

He stayed like that the rest of the night.


The next few days had been a roller coaster. You had managed to get into a relationship with Chloe, despite hating it so bad. Chloe was clinging, and constantly trying to get further in her relationship than Brooke.

This lead to awkward, one-sided make out sessions between you and her. Although, Chloe didn't care too much.

Meanwhile, your squip was practically tearing his brain apart trying to figure out why he hated the Chloe touched you. Why he hated seeing the expression she gave him.

He welcomed this, in fact, he pretty much forced it. He knew it was going to be like this.

So why did it hurt so badly?

Squip couldn't place it for a long time.

But then he could.

Once you started kissing Chloe back.

Once you started to act like an actual couple with her. He knew it wasn't real. He knew he didn't like her romantically.

But it hurt anyways.

So, the following Friday was filled with Squip frantic pacing, and your trying to get your homework done.

You let out a groan, turning to your squip.

"Squip, what's up? You've been pacing for like an hour."

Squip didn't respond, just continued pacing.

"Squip, you've never been this stressed. So whats--" He cut you off, teleporting right in front of you.

"I want you to break up with Chloe."

"What?? Squip, you got me this deep in the rabbit hole, why don't I just--"

"No! I know you don't actually return her feelings, so just break up with her!"

"But you said--"

"Forget what I said!" Squip pulled back, pushing his fingers into his hair.

"Jeez.. Why are you acting like this? It's so sudden, and so... Not like you,"

"I can't take it any longer. I cannot stand you with her! I can't stand... Whatever relationship thing you have! I can't!"

"And why not??" You called back, confused and frustrated.

"Because I'm jealous, and apparently extremely fucking gay! Specifically, for you!"

And with those words, you both were silent, engaged in a mini sharing contest.

"Whoa... Okay, I didn't.. I didn't expect that one.." You let out a small laugh, blush creeping onto your face. "... Yeah. I'll.. I'll go break up with her."

Squip could barely believe his ears. Did this mean--

"I'm surprised you fell for me, Squippy."

"... Well, who else do I have to fall for?" He sat on the edge of your bed, and soon enough, you joined him at his side.

"No one, I guess. Just... Me." You smiled, leaning your head into his chest. It was warm, and surprisingly soft.

Squip seemed to get warmer, and his face went bright red.

"Well, y/n..? Will you.. Settle for being with me, instead?"

You chuckled, moving your hand to grasp his gently. "Yeah. Yeah, I think I will..."

Slowly but surely you had drifted off in his arms, leaving him to his thoughts once again.

He almost couldn't believe it.

He managed to get with you. He felt happier.. And he'd rather have you in his arms than anything else.


Sorry if that ending is trash, it's almost 1am and I'm tired. So, yeah.

Uhm... This probably won't get updated very much anymore... If I update it, it'll probably be with male readers..

I'm practically falling asleep, so that's the end of this.

G'night y'all, I hope you enjoyed this.

Squip x Reader OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant