"Dawson welcome," Faolan said. "I assume everyone has arrived without too much trouble."

"Yes Alpha. No complications. Your mother decided to stay behind with your sister." Faolan nodded at the report. His sister had found her mate and was heavy laden with her first set of twins. His mother was excited for grandchildren and so he found it natural she would stay behind.

"And what about the information I asked for? Did you find anything?"

"Yes sir. Although much of it is what we already knew. Wolfsbane is poisonous to  both wolves and humans alike."  That still didn't answer his question about the elusive Maggie. He hadn't seen her since he ran into her that morning. It was suspicious.

"Dawson can you think of any reason why someone would willingly ingest it?"

"Oh I'm sure if desperate enough people would do a lot of things that harmed themselves." He paused to think on it. "I suppose if you think about it theoretically.." Dawson trailed off in thought, his eyes glazing over. Faolan was use to this. Dawson was easily distracted with thoughts and queries.  After a few moments Faolan interrupted his thoughts to hear them.

"Dawson?" That snapped him out of it.

"Yes. Sorry sir. Well the reason Wolfsbane is so dangerous is it can weaken a wolf. There are some records where it was used to suppress a feral wolf. Depending on the quantity of ingestion and the frequency of its use there are the possibilities that it could be used to mask oneself. If someone's wolf side was suppressed it would be hard to detect if someone was a wolf at all."  Faolan thought on his words. His answers only brought more questions. 

"Thank you Dawson. I appreciate the effort. If you find anything else let me know." Dawson bowed his head and left at the dismissal.

Once the door had closed behind him Faolan connected with Max his Gamma through the mind link and asked him to join him. He had a job for him.


Maggie strolled through the forest

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Maggie strolled through the forest. In her arms she carried various logs and sticks. The cabin was fine during the day but at night it got cold and the only way to heat it was the wood fireplace and she wanted ot make sure she had plenty of wood for the night. 

Tomorrow night was the official start of the triennial gathering. Packs had been arriving in full force since yesterday. The gathering always started on the night of the full moon with the mating run. Single wolves from all over the country would meet and shift in hopes of finding their mate.

Maggie on the other hand will be snuggled in her cabin reading her book and ignoring the howling out in the woods. She had no intention of being anywhere near anyone.

Maggie loved the sound of the crunching leaves as she walked. The air was crisp and Maggie was dreaming of the chicken pot pie she was going to make.

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