Chapter 2 - The Angels

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Brent sent a text message for Cathy to wait for him after her class and he'd take her to her next one. He only had two classes today and they were in the afternoon. Cathy had a full schedule. Was she trying to graduate early?

He didn't notice the small girl who was standing in the middle of the campus wearing a pretty pink summer dress and sandals until he almost ran into her. She was a petite little thing, no taller than 5'4. Her skin was so light, it almost looked translucent. She had curly black hair that rested on her shoulders and she stared up at him with beautiful honey brown eyes that had an exotic slant to them. She had to be part Asian and Black from the look of her. She looked lost and scared and fragile in the crowd of people passing by her.

She certainly looked terrified of him. He'd never been so painfully aware of his size until he stood in front of this cute girl. He probably looked like a giant from her perspective and she looked like she couldn't decide if she wanted to run or stay. She grabbed the straps to her back pack tightly and stared up at him with wide innocent eyes.

"Are you okay?" he found himself asking her gently so she wouldn't run. "Do you need help?"

She lowered her head and mumbled something.

"What did you say? You're going to have to speak up. I can't hear you all the way up here," he smiled hoping the joke about his size would put her at ease.

She looked up at him shyly and gave him a tentative smile. "I'm lost," she spoke to him in the sweetest voice he'd ever heard.

"Well you're in luck, I happen to have some free time on my schedule and you're not the first girl I've helped. In a matter of fact, I just took her to her class."

She stared up at him hopefully. "Will you help me? I can't seem to find my English class and I'm late."

"Let me see," Brent said reaching for her schedule. He looked at it and smiled. "It's the building right beside the girl I just helped. Guess, I'll have to backtrack. Come on, I'll take you there."

She gave him a genuine smile this time. It was the smile of angel. Damn...where did she come from? She kind of reminded him of Cathy. It was strange that he got the same familiar vibe from this girl, like there wasn't a bad bone in her body. She must be new.

"What's your name?" he asked as he began to walk.

"Kiara, Kiara Emerson," she told him trying to keep up with him.

Brent smiled and slowed down for her. "Kiara, that's a pretty name. I'm Brent Jaggers."

Someone nearly ran into her jogging by. She moved closer to Brent. She kept bumping into him from being so nervous as she looked around the crowded campus.

Brent reached out his hand to her. She stared at it for a second and then wrapped her small fingers around two of his and stared up at him innocently with those big brown eyes. 

Brent's heart melted. 

Kiara was completely adorable, and all his protective instincts came rushing out.

Was it a coincident that he'd met two angels back to back today? Cathy was radiant and sweet, and this girl looked new, like she'd just left heaven and landed here on campus to see what the world was about. 

Seneca State University did not have girls like this on campus.

"Where you're from? I've never seen you before," Brent asked curiously.

"I live here in Seneca, but I decided to move on campus with my cousin. We share a room together. I'm really excited!" Kiara's personality seemed to change now that she was holding on to him. 

Seneca State University - Sophomore Year - The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora